Reviews For The Evolution of Minds
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 09/06/11 - 03:47 am · For: Evolution of a Blind Shadow
Oh man. That was... epic, intense, and beautiful. But the OC's perspective did add your own flare to it, making it more creative, so good job on that. It was very interesting to hear things told in this way, because it is accurate and imaginative at the same time. Nice work on this, I really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work with your writing!
Name: dalaw (Signed) · Date: 25/09/09 - 04:52 pm · For: Evolution of a So-Called Uchiha
Either or both of those sound lovely.
Author's Response: lol Alrighty then. I've started on Akemi and I should have Naruto up after that. ^_^ Thank you for your support!
Name: dalaw (Signed) · Date: 23/09/09 - 05:42 pm · For: Evolution of a So-Called Uchiha
Oh my god. This was so amazing I'm actually close to tears. One thing though, I wish to know more about those eyes of hers.
Author's Response: Well, if you want, I could do another "Evolution" one-shot for Akemi herself. I would have no trouble with it. I was actually planning on doing one for every major Naruto character. Let me know if that sounds good to you. ^_^
Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 22/09/09 - 07:54 pm · For: Evolution of a So-Called Uchiha
OO wow...this was defently good a chapter! it was just at lost of words. nicely done ^^
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I had fun writing it, although I did skip a lot of things. I had to or it would have been a mile long... *cough* Thank you so much for the review! *high fives you for being my first reviewer* 8D
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