Reviews For Another Survivor: Uchiha Love Blossoms
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 24/02/09 - 06:55 pm · For: Chapter 23: Getting Ready
OMG! I was searching Japanese names today and guess what I found?!
Katsumi! =D
Did you know her name means "self-controlled"
And I hate to say this, but it is a boy's name...
Anyways I found that and thought you would like it! =D
Oh I got a question. Are you almost done with the next chapter?
I know I sound like one of those crazy fangirls, but I'm DIEING! to no. I can't help it anymore! I check to see if you have updated like every 2 minutes! O-O
Author's Response: haha ya i knew that. i based her name on what it meant, but also i really liked it, so i dont care if its a boys name!rnthanks anyway though! rnno, sry, havent started! havent had ANY time this week! but i promise it'll be up either on saterday or friday!!!rnI PROMISE! either those days or earlier!rnso sorry!!rnhaha thanks so much!rn:Prn
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 22/02/09 - 05:00 pm · For: Chapter 23: Getting Ready
-sigh- hurry hurry PPLLEEAASSEE I really want to read about the ball!
lol four hour make-up lol
anywayzzz I put in a story for the Valentines challenge my first one-shot. Check it out. I am nervous to see if it is any good.
Oh and Im sorry im not going to be patient about the next chapter cause I am DIEING to know what happens!
Author's Response: im sorry im sorry im sorry I'M SORRY!!! rnya, well, thats tenten for you! rnsure ill check it out, cant wait!rnhaha well, i couldnt only hope...
Name: DonniiE (Signed) · Date: 22/02/09 - 12:21 pm · For: Chapter 23: Getting Ready
Another awesome chapter [:
Hahaas .
I can't wait 'till the ball ! :D
Author's Response: i cant wait too!rnthanks so much!rn:P
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 21/02/09 - 10:39 pm · For: Chapter 23: Getting Ready
I am very much looking forward to Sasuke's expression when Katsumi walks in. Oh man it will be so cute X3 Oh... But I forgot. What will be NEJI'S expression!!? OH THE DRAMA!!
Sorry, couldn't help it XD
Anyway, great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!!
Author's Response: haha ya im definitely looking forward to writing that!rnoh the drama indeed...rnthanks so much for reviewing!rn:D
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 20/02/09 - 04:58 pm · For: Chapter 22: Red, Blue, and Silver
Awww!!!! That is awesome!!!
But I don't think she should be with Neji!
That's TenTen's job!! lol
Great story!
Keep going!! You make me laugh!!
I can't wait to read when Katsumi tells Naruto that they're related!!!
Author's Response: haha thx so much!!rndont worry, i havent sunk that low yet! :Prnthanks for reviewing, and i hope you like the rest!
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 19/02/09 - 06:40 pm · For: Chapter 3: Five Years Later
Very good so far!!!
I will now venture on to the following chapters!!!
Author's Response: thanks! hope you like the rest!
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 19/02/09 - 02:43 pm · For: Chapter 22: Red, Blue, and Silver
No! you are not taking their relationsip to fast! =D
What! Hinata likes Kiba!!!??? =O
That was soooooooooooo sweet!
hurry hurry hurry hurry with the next chapter or I'll send a fan mob after you!
Best chapter EVER!!! =D
Author's Response: thats nice to hear, cuz i was REALLY worried about that!rnya i liked adding that, adds a bit of a twist to the usual hinata/naruto pairingrnthanks so much!!!rnhope to update soon!rn:P
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 17/02/09 - 01:40 am · For: Chapter 22: Red, Blue, and Silver
I should have more self-control than this... but... AUUWWW!
It's so cute how Sasuke thinks of everything as a competition; even how much they love each other XD
Wow, I'm tearing up here... gotta go! Update soon!
Author's Response: haha thanks!rnya sasuke is competitive, but i think that how much they love each other is a nice competition. the real challenge is now...the ball. Neji and sasuke are going to have some serious arguments, so watch out!
Name: DonniiE (Signed) · Date: 16/02/09 - 11:25 pm · For: Chapter 22: Red, Blue, and Silver
Aw, this chapter was sweet . :D
Especially between Katsumi and Sasuke ! [: Hahaas .
I think they have a nice relationship between each other, and I don't think you're taking it too fast for them . Of course, it'd never hurt to slow it down a little . Just do whatever you feel the best for the story . (:
But, anyways, I liked the chapter ! Hope you update soon again . ;D
Author's Response: ya i really luv writing the cute scenes, cuz they're just so damn CUTE!!! rnthank you, i was wondering if their relationship seemed genuine, and i also put thought into that they are ninja, and they are a little more mature than your average teenager. rnThanks for reviewing, and ill try to update soon! (most likely by this weekend)rn:P
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 16/02/09 - 09:59 pm · For: Chapter 22: Red, Blue, and Silver
WHOA WHOA WHOA!!! Did that just happen?!!
*runs back and rereads*
HOLY CRAPINZILLA ON A SALAD BAR!! IT DID!! Where the heck did that come from? Heh heh, sorry.
Anyway, great chapter! Very nice and well placed. I see though why you asked if you're speeding their relationship to much, its hard not to. Really, in my opinion, you're fine seeing as they are the same age which is what, 13 around this time?
Also seeing as they are both Ninjas and both are a lot more mature emotionally then a normal person that you have a lot more freedom with this then you would normally so, in short, you're fine! Its really cute in my opinion!!
Can't wait for the next chapter!! I'll check by then okay?!
Author's Response: wow...holy crapinzilla on a salad bar? u talk like u write ur story...pretty random, but hilarious! rnthank you very much. ya im thinking of slowing down on the relationship just a TINY bit, so the end is more...cant tell be spoiling it...but ya it makes it better. rnya i kinda thought that too, since they've been through so much even just as genin, their way of seeing things is a bit more serious than regular 13-14 year olds. Im not sure if they're 13 or 14, by now they've gotta be 14 or at least close to it. rnthanks so much for reviewing, and ill try to update soon!rn:P
Name: tikarina (Signed) · Date: 14/02/09 - 08:24 am · For: Chapter 21: Longest Hour
Wow, very very very VERY good. I just started this story an hour ago and i was glued to my computer untill i was done. cant wait for more! 10000/10
Author's Response: thanks so much! i luv how many people are reading this story, and hope that you continue to like it and review!!!rnsee you next chapter!!!
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 14/02/09 - 02:31 am · For: Chapter 21: Longest Hour
........ANOTHER cliffhanger. You just love tormenting us, don't you????
I'm going to ENJOY watching the fight between Sasuke and Neji over who gets to dance with Katsumi. Lulz!
Update soon!
Author's Response: haha i just love those cliffhangers!!!!!!!!!!! rnya its going to be an epic battle of who gets Katsumi once and for all....rndun dun duuuuuuhhhhh!!!
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 13/02/09 - 07:47 pm · For: Chapter 21: Longest Hour
lol perfect I LOVE the lines of the ceiling comment. very funny!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Great ball idea! =D
Oh! I updated!
Author's Response: haha ya i totally luved writing that! i mean, a person has to be past the point of no return stage of bored to count the fricken lines on the ceiling!! ya it was fun!rnthanks! i got it from listening to Far Away by Nickelback. "On my knees I'll ask, last chance for one last dance. Cause with you, I'd withstand, all of it to hold your hand..." i luv that song so much! but ya since after the exams, orochimaru-bastard kinda takes control of Sasuke, and the ball is a chance for him to get his last dance with Katsumi before Orochimaru ruins his life. ya when i listened to this song, i totally thought that it described Sasuke's feelings perfectly. But at the end of the story, im posting up all the characters theme songs (ones i think most represent their personality and feelings at the end of the story)rnya thx for reviewing, and i totally am going to read yours!!!!!!!!rn:D
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 13/02/09 - 07:41 pm · For: Chapter 21: Longest Hour
OH MAN!! Something kind of like that happened in my story only it happened before the Chunin Exams started! Oh damn this is going to be good!
'I was going to have to ‘dance’. I would also have to wear a ‘dress’
Classic!! I love it!! I don't know what you're talking about you know, not being funny and all. Personally I think you're funny as hell!!
Keep it up!! Can't wait for the next one, that'll great!
Author's Response: haha thx so much for ur enthusiasm!!rnwell thank you, ill keep trying to keep the humor up! rnya i might update on either this story or On the Bridge of Fate, so look for it!rnthanks for reviewing!!!rn:Prn:D
Name: DonniiE (Signed) · Date: 13/02/09 - 07:34 pm · For: Chapter 21: Longest Hour
Niiiice ! [:
Hahaas . This story is so awesome . x3 Lols .
Hope to see you update soon ! I can't wait ~ even if you just updated today . Hahs [x
But, a ball ! That's a first . :P Usually people just continue on with the 2nd exam . Pretty boring after a while . Nice to see a difference . :D Good jobbbb ~ ! :3
Author's Response: haha thx so much!rni might update again this weekend, so i hope u keep reviewing!!!rnalso, if you want, i have another story called On the Bridge of Fate. rni think its pretty good, a bit different than what i usually write (im a more happy, romantic, adventure sort of writer). rnbut ya, its be cool if u read it and reviewed!!!rnthx so much!
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 12/02/09 - 12:57 pm · For: Chapter 20: Say What?
Its been a while since I last read this but lucky me there were a ton of chapters for me to catch up on!! THIS STORY IS SO AWESOME!!!
I love the last line in this chapter
We’re screwed, but heck; at least I get to enjoy watching Naruto completely and totally make a fool of himself.
So funny!! I'm laughing still man!! Keep up the good work so I may continue to laugh till my stomach hurts!!
Author's Response: haha thanks so much! its been taking me a while to update, but its finally the weekend, and i hope to finish the next chapter soon. rnya im still trying to make it funny as well as a good story, so forgive me if my attempts at humor arent as funny as the one u so nicely quoted. (i really like that line 2!!! haha lol!) but ill keep trying, so bear with me!!!!rn:P hope to see u soon!!!
Name: Tetsuryuumaru (Signed) · Date: 03/02/09 - 03:15 pm · For: Chapter 1: Beautiful Innocence
Sorry... yeah, I meant Sasuke got his ass kicked... I really hate that guy.
I hate traitors.
Author's Response: well, i really doubt that sasuke will get his butt kicked, as he is one of the main characters, but i hope u still enjoy the story even though he's in it! rnkeep reviewing!
Name: Tetsuryuumaru (Signed) · Date: 30/01/09 - 02:30 pm · For: Chapter 19: Uchiha...or Hyuuga? A Secret Love Triangle
Nice story... Sasuke fighting Neji? I hope he gets his ass kicked.
Author's Response: haha thx! but..uh, who are u talking about when u say "i hope he gets his ass kicked"? neji or sasuke?rnhope u keep reviewing! :P
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 29/01/09 - 05:00 pm · For: Chapter 1: Beautiful Innocence
What?! You forgot the whole Kabuto/ sound guys thing!
Great chapter though!
Hurry with the next one!
Author's Response: ya i kinda thought that was lame, so i skipped it. sorry if that was like a favorite part or something! thx for reviewing, and i hope to update soon!
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 27/01/09 - 11:25 pm · For: Chapter 20: Say What?
LMAO. I loved this chapter.
To Sakura and Ino: IN YOUR FACE!!!!
Sorry, couldn't resist, xD
Update soon!
Author's Response: haha thx so much! i actually didnt add ino in this story, sakura kinda replaced Ino while Katusmi replaced Sakura on Team 7. rnkeep reviewing!!!
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 25/01/09 - 07:09 pm · For: Chapter 19: Uchiha...or Hyuuga? A Secret Love Triangle
Oh, damn! Sasuke's going to kick Neji's ass! (Don't underestimate him, Sasuke!)
Good for drama! But I really think that Sasuke should get Katsumi. They have so much history it's not even funny.
Update soon! Eagerly waiting for the ass-kicking! =D
Author's Response: haha thx! ya i cant really tell u who wins katsumi, but i will tell you that sasuke has a MUCH better chance! rnlol thx, ill start working on the ass-kicking soon!
Name: Redbunny13 (Signed) · Date: 25/01/09 - 06:25 pm · For: Chapter 19: Uchiha...or Hyuuga? A Secret Love Triangle
XD XD XD XD XD I'm so exited for the next part!
Author's Response: haha thanks. :P
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 25/01/09 - 01:56 pm · For: Chapter 19: Uchiha...or Hyuuga? A Secret Love Triangle
Neji can't steal her away that would like suck! She and Sasuke are prefect for each other. =D =D
Author's Response: haha thx so much! i liked this chapter 2, but do u think im describing tenten well enough? this is what i've always imagined her to be, but i could be way off. yeah neji is SO not for katsumi, but i have to create romantic tension. but in my other story the oc and Neji are like amazing! thanks for reviewing, and i hope to finish the next chapter soon, but im alternating between chapters, so my other story's chapter will come out next, so look for that first!rn:Prn:D
Name: Redbunny13 (Signed) · Date: 21/01/09 - 01:56 pm · For: Chapter 18: Kakashi's Announcement
O.O nooooo..... it ended! and you shouldn't hate this chapter, because it sets the mood for the other chapters! :D GO KATSUMI!
Author's Response: haha thx, and its good advice!!rnthx for reviewing! see you next chapter!
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 20/01/09 - 01:09 pm · For: Chapter 18: Kakashi's Announcement
Thankz for the compliment, but really my story isn't that great. I only have like 5 reviews.
the chapter was great! Can't wait for the next one!
Oh! I updated! =D I put KakOC *hint hint*
Author's Response: haha no prob. rnand ur story is amazing so shut uprnthx a lot for reviewing!rnsee u next chapter!