Reviews For Another Survivor: Uchiha Love Blossoms
Name: Kikyaru360 (Signed) · Date: 25/05/09 - 07:12 pm · For: Chapter 6: Kakashi's Wisdom
*Cough* “Emo child!” *Cough*
I loved that. Oh, and that genjutsu thing Kakashi did, was pretty scary to tell you the truth. Awesome! Still like your story, I don't really mind that much if Ino's in it or not. (I recently found out that not a lot of people like Ino)...sigh...
It might be because I like all the rookie 9 girls. Sorry for the rambling great story! Shutting up now (:
Author's Response: haha thanks so much! dont worry, i like it when i get long reviews! they're amazing! see you next chapter!! :P
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 25/05/09 - 06:11 pm · For: Chapter 1: Beautiful Innocence
I AM THE 100TH REVIEWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol sorry i like to be the 100th review for different stories. xD
Author's Response: haha yes you are the hundreth reviewer. you get....a smiley face!! :D congratz! seriously, you're pretty awesome, and thanks for reviewing on this story as often as u do!
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 25/05/09 - 05:18 pm · For: Chapter 34: Pain
Sorry I didn't review sooner!! I read these last two and they were great! Kakashi is so mean! It's funny though XD Anyway, looking forward to the next one as usually!
OH! I like Katsumi's new look and her comment to Sasuke was just so funny, I don't even know why but it was!
Author's Response: thanks so much! what look were you referring to? Katsumi gives Sasuke a lot of looks...heh heh...if you get my drift...
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 25/05/09 - 03:21 pm · For: Chapter 34: Pain
OMG! That chapter was awesome!
I don't care if it took a long time.
Heck if all your chapters were that good I'd say take as long as you want.
hurry hurry hurry with the next chapter!
and I really liked the way you decribed everything!
Author's Response: thanks! im trying to be more descriptive, because 1) it makes the chapters longer, and 2) it makes it better to read in my opinion. Thanks for reviweing, and I'll see you next chapter! :D
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 24/05/09 - 11:21 am · For: Chapter 34: Pain
Sweet Beans!!!
Go Katsumi!!!!
Author's Response: thanks! :D
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 24/05/09 - 12:23 am · For: Chapter 34: Pain
Loved it.
But I love Sasuke and Gaara both as characters!
Sasuke's probably gonna win.
Who'll be Gaara's antidote?
Oh, yeah, Naruto. *cheeky grin*
Update soon! ^__^
(Sorry; I just love that pairing.)
Name: Kikyaru360 (Signed) · Date: 20/05/09 - 12:54 pm · For: Chapter 4: More Than You Bargained For
Haha! Sparkles in kakashi's hair! If only I could see his reaction. Anyway, I love the story, but I have a question. What happened to Ino? Is she not even going to be a ninja anymore? She could probably be a ninja still, but it would have to be after the graduation exams for the academy start again. Only three rookie nine teams get accepted, and Ino is no longer in any of them. This will more then definitely affect so many things, and it makes me want to read more! Good story! Even though Ino is one of my favorite characters, I still like it. 10/10!!
Author's Response: Thanks!!! Um....yeeeaaaah...about Ino. I'm sorry if this offends you, but i really hate Ino with a passion. And I had to get rid of (well, i didnt have to get rid of her, but i decided to) someone to make room for Katsumi, so Ino was the one who was booted. I'm sorry!!!! I hope that this doesnt ruin your enjoyment of the story! :) I probably will add her in sometime or another, but maybe i wont. I'll have to think about it. Thanks again for reviewing, and sorry again. I hate when favorite characters are crushed. When mine are, i freak out. Haha!! :D
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 19/05/09 - 02:54 pm · For: Chapter 33: Timeless
So she inherited both wind and water.... interesting!!!
Author's Response: haha thank you very much! i had to add both parents characteristics in there somehow... :)
Name: Kikyaru360 (Signed) · Date: 18/05/09 - 01:45 pm · For: Chapter 1: Beautiful Innocence
Wow~ I love this story! I want to read more, but Exams are crushing me, so I don't have a lot of spare time. Well, looking forward to reading more!
Author's Response: thanks so much! yeah....i totally know how it feels! cant wait to see you next chapter!
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 17/05/09 - 11:50 am · For: Chapter 33: Timeless
lol great chapter!
I like the little part at the end.
"And it felt really nice to have someone like Ren around. Like another Naruto...
Wait...did I just say that?"
lol I almost die of laughter.
I think Naruto is growing on her.
Of course that is how it is with him. You hate him then you like him.
lol anyways great chapter and hurry with the next one! xD
Author's Response: haha thanks so much! naruto is one of my favorite characters, so i try to make him as loveable as possible. Thanks a lot for reviewing, and i hope to see you next chapter! Oh, and if you know anyone who would like this story, please ask them to read and review. I'm trying to get my story a little more public in terms of readers. ^____^
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 07/05/09 - 02:58 pm · For: Chapter 1: Beautiful Innocence
Heh heh, oops... I was on my friend's computer and I didn't realize I was logged in as her XD
Author's Response: haha thats cool. i was just a bit confused, but im good now!! :D
Name: MyLifeIsABadFanFiction (Signed) · Date: 05/05/09 - 08:45 pm · For: Chapter 32: Awkward Much?
No no, I know Kakashi said that part but I mean the:
“…not true…pure as a saint…”
That' part nearly killed me I must say XD
Author's Response: ooooooohhhhh i get it! haha nice. thanks so much..again? did u change your user name? ????
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 04/05/09 - 03:17 pm · For: Chapter 32: Awkward Much?
Welllllllll, this is gonna be good!!
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 04/05/09 - 01:51 pm · For: Chapter 32: Awkward Much?
this chapter why not boring! I really liked it! xD though I dont get how the last part is funny...
You scared me with the whole disappearing Sasuke thing. I forgot that he left. lol
hurr hurry hurry with the next chapter
Author's Response: thanks! i feel like an idiot...O_O. the last part about Kakashi wondering how Naruto could have known Ebisu was a pervert, and that whole scene in general was pretty hilarious to write. obviously it wasnt as funny as i thought it was...oh well... Anyway, thank you so much for reviewng, and ill see you next chapter! :D
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 04/05/09 - 01:48 pm · For: Chapter 32: Awkward Much?
I love what Ebisu said at the end there!! it was so freakin' funny!! I also love this part!
'The list of possibilities was absolutely endless.
Was that a good thing?'
OH MAN!!! AWESOME!! So great, I love this story so much I can barely contain myself!!
Can't wait for the next chapter, oh! By the way the title fits the chapter PERFECTLY, I mean wow! Perfect! Anyway, again I can't wait for the next one!!
See ya then!!!!!!
Author's Response: uhh thanks, but that wasnt ebisu who said that. it was kakashi. but watever, it doesnt really matter! thank you thank you THANK YOU! im really happy you like this story!!! it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside...aww.... see you next chapter! :P
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 29/04/09 - 01:58 pm · For: Chapter 31: Sweet Dreams
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! That chapter was awesome!!!
hurry hurry hurry with the next one plaese?!
lol sasuke got raped lol
the chapter was AWESOME!
wait no...this story is AWESOME!
pleeaaaasssseeeee hurry?
*gives you a puppy dog face*
Author's Response: thanks so much!!! ah yes...the great sasuke uchiha got raped...bwaha!!! awww thanks!!! haha i'll try, but im working on my other story right now, so it might take until friday or saterday! SORRY FOR THE LONG UPDATE! im doing tests in school, so its been tough... :P
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 28/04/09 - 07:34 am · For: Chapter 31: Sweet Dreams
"-and then I tried this jutsu on you, and you woke up."
Hmm... Comforting... Ren TOTALLY sounded like she knew what she was doing XD
The ending bit where they seal Sasuke up, oh MAN! that was creepy stuff there! I have this twitching in my fingers, its making hard to type :D
Anyway, great chapter! I can't wait for the next one!!!
Author's Response: Lol!!! Well, that's Ren for you. Kinda like Naruto in a way. Really? T_T...i'm so happy to hear that!!!! It's not like i enjoy the fact that it makes your fingers twitch, but its comforting to know that I'm reaching my readers on some level. Thanks so much for reviewing!!! :P :D :)
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 25/04/09 - 06:51 pm · For: Chapter 31: Sweet Dreams
What a creeper!!
I wish there weren't so many secrets!! They drive me crazy until they come out!!
Author's Response: sry if it gets really creepy sometimes! i feel like ever since orochimaru came into the story, my writing has become much more dark. weird... anyway, ya i like having tons of secrets! that's the fun of it! then you get the audience wanting more! least i hope they want more... :P
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 20/04/09 - 03:03 pm · For: Chapter 30: Preliminaries
Well, that's evil.
But, it's all good!!!
Author's Response: thanks so much for reviewing!!!rn:D
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 19/04/09 - 09:53 pm · For: Chapter 30: Preliminaries
See, I thought that was a real word for a second and I was trying to figure out how to say it but then I read the next line and then I felt like an idiot...
Also the baby whale thing was FUNNY as all get out!!
See, I love you style of writing! There's plenty of funny parts but some cute parts to balance each other out. Also the parts where things get creepy always seem so well balanced, Katsumi isn't super powerful instantly but she can still kick but! AND I loved the ending of this chapter by the way!!! Great stuff, again with the balance! You taunt me with your masterful writing skills!!
I'm sorry, I'll be quiet now... I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!!!!
Okay, now I'm done XD
Author's Response: Yeah i had so much fun writing that! Dont worry i tried to word the CLHUIDWTKW out too, but gave up. You see! Sasuke actually has a sense of humor, even if it's always making fun of someone! OMG! T_T YOU ARE SO NICE! I feel all super cool now...Thanks for reviewing!!!!! have you checked out my other story On the Bridge of Fate? i know u said you dont like Neji, and he's one of the main characters, but i think its still a good story.
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 19/04/09 - 02:07 pm · For: Chapter 30: Preliminaries
WHOOOOO! Fight, fight, fight, fight!
But... uhh... oh yeah. DECENT FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!
Author's Response: 0.o uhh...dont get offended, but you are really random. what did you just mean by that whole thing right there? :P thanks for reviewing!
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 19/04/09 - 12:29 pm · For: Chapter 28: Path of the Avenger
sooo sweet!
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 19/04/09 - 11:57 am · For: Chapter 30: Preliminaries
Geeze the way Sasuke looked at Katsumi scares me. O_O is he going to stop caring about her?
WOW Sakura vs. Katsumi I can't wait!!! xD
Great chapter on both of your stories!
Hurry Hurry Hurry with another awesome chapter!
Oh and i updated! xD
Author's Response: well, i cant tell you about that, it'd ruin the ending of the story. (yes there is an ending in the near future, so sad I know.) ya, im kinda switching some of the fights around, so watch out! thanks so much for reviewing, and hope you like the rest of the story! :D
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 15/04/09 - 07:45 am · For: Chapter 29: Deception
That last part was funny as all get out, a world where Naruto is quiet. HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK OF SUCH A THING!!?
Just kidding XD
Anyway, great chapter. You also did a VERY good job at making Kabuto creepy as hell... You get points for that also!
See ya next chapter, kay? BYE!!
Author's Response: haha well, i can dream...rnthank you VERY much!!!!rnthanks for reviewing also, and see u next chapter! :D
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 13/04/09 - 05:04 pm · For: Chapter 29: Deception
She's a silly thing!!
I bet the place where Naruto is a quiet kid is a very wonderful place!!!
Kabuto is gross... he make me want to ralph.
Author's Response: haha thanks so much!rnya, i tried to make kabuto as creepy as possible...for preperation of...THE SEQUEL!!!rn:P