Reviews For Anonymous Moment
Name: Jinxkirin (Signed) · Date: 04/06/09 - 11:03 am · For: Anonymous
But it happens every day. This is what reality is. Accidental meetings, that may change all our life and we don't even notice.. We meet strangers, that could be a very important part of our life, but we just passed by each other..
You know, you are really good at things like this. You describe all even little details like "new jeans because the old ones were spilled with coffee"
And it helps to feel what characters feel, be a part of them and at the same time be someone third, watching from the side.
But it really sad that they didn't met each other again.. I so like happy endings! T_T
I really liked it ))
Name: i_heart_notebooks123 (Signed) · Date: 02/09/08 - 01:21 pm · For: Anonymous
That was so simple and unsatisfying that I loved it and hated it all at once. I loved it BECAUSE of the pure simplicity and reality of it; sometimes things like that do happen! Many SasuNaru stories in AU have the two boys meet and somehow end up meeting again and again- I love how in your story they meet, and both choose to ignore each other, never meeting again.
But for that same reason, I hated it. I wish you would have let the two boys fall in love. I thought it was so sad that they completely missed out on what fanfic writers make out to be the best time of their lives (spent together).
But, I think I loved it more than I hated it. The point is, you did a great job, and I loved it.
Author's Response: Thank you! That was what I was trying to express in this the entire time. Though, I never would have been able to explain it plain and simple like you did. I really have to thank you so much; you always seem to lift my mood when I'm down. Thank you, dear ^___^ And sorry for being so late in replying. Ahaha...ha. Lots of love :D