Reviews For Songbirds
Name: NarutoLover (Signed) · Date: 30/06/09 - 06:42 am · For: Chapter 4: Ran out of chapter names.... XD
I know this is my second time reviewing bt Please update soon!! Can't wait to read what happens next
Name: NarutoLover (Signed) · Date: 24/06/09 - 04:49 am · For: Chapter 4: Ran out of chapter names.... XD
Wow that was intense! Maybe there was a reason why she was so sensitive about being called a whore? Hope u update soon!
Name: AikoMatsuo (Signed) · Date: 28/02/09 - 01:43 am · For: Chapter 4: Ran out of chapter names.... XD
OMG i love it this story is amzing !!!!!!!!!!!!
you've gotta keep it up, !!!!
just thought i'd let you know ^^
love Aiko
Author's Response: Thank you so much for your review!! It makes me feel all warm on the inside~ X3
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 27/02/09 - 04:06 pm · For: Chapter 4: Ran out of chapter names.... XD
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
I love this story! Hurry with the next chapter!
Oh you made from the song down Italtics. I dont no if you wanted it that way.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review and I seriously did that??? Whoops
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 27/02/09 - 01:30 pm · For: Chapter 1: Revelation/ Teenagers
LOVE this story so far! =D I like the whole singer thing!
Please write more!
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 27/10/08 - 05:28 pm · For: Chapter 1: Revelation/ Teenagers
Heh, I'd hate to have Kakashi's job!
Hope you keep writing this! Also, WhyWasteBrainPower. You are atill a pervert! Always will be you Jiraiya-fangirl!
One more thing... TEXT MESSAGING IS BAD FOR YOU!!! Okay not really but as much as Sasuke does it I'm sure it is XD
Author's Response: Lawl! Texting is bad but i do it A LOT!!!rnThanks for the review ^^
Name: WhyWasteBrainPower (Signed) · Date: 27/10/08 - 02:06 pm · For: Chapter 2: Meeting Time
Aye! AYE AYE AYE!!! Oh and let's not forget the BAD PICK UP LINE!!! Lame! Oh, funny though! I don't care who you are this shit is funny as hell!
OH!! And Kakashi! "Bring the whole bottle, please….?" I couldn't agree more! And Itachi lost totally lost his cool there... I must say I would to at that point XD
Looking forward to more! I'll keep reading!
Author's Response: Thankies~~~ *hug*
Name: WhyWasteBrainPower (Signed) · Date: 04/09/08 - 04:51 am · For: Chapter 1: Revelation/ Teenagers
THAT SONG, ITS STUCK IN MY HEAD!! Thanks alot! lol
I really like this, its funny. Punk ass Nichira-koi and rude-to-beat-the-band pretty boy Sasuke-kun? This'll be good. And Poor Kakashi and Itachi, they gotta deal with these two! Let me tell you, I would NOT want their job.
I do hope for some 'action' between the two teens though. I'm a baaaaaaaaaad person X3
Author's Response: OMG! Thank you sooooooooo much for the review! You have SERIOUSLY made my day ^^rnrnAnd since you were so kind, I will indeed add a little 'action' *nudge nudge wink wink* X3 of course after some drama and bad language.rnrnOnce Again: ARIGATO-GOZAIMASU!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3