Reviews For Self Reflection
Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 26/08/08 - 06:44 pm · For: Chapter 1
Hm, just got done with writing you a pointless review on FF...and then a question pops in my brain.
'What were you thinking when you wrote this? What exactly was going on in your head that lead you to write the entire beginning of this oneshot?'
Just want to know, because really, there's no one who could have put the regular 'boy meets girl and falls in love' scenario in words better than that. I loved reading about it.
^^ Thanks for this wonderful story! -waves and hugs-
Author's Response: You're so insane, dear, but I love you for that. Don't feel obligated to review EVERYWHERE I post though! One review is enough! But I'll do my duty as faithful authoress and reply to both your reviews! But as to your question, I shall answer that on ffnet. Hmhm...