Reviews For Thorns of Reality
Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 01/02/09 - 11:55 am · For: Thorns of Reality
Oh.. my god.
That was actually amazing!
Really original in the style you wrote it, and it was so tear jerking and heart wrenching that I had to take small breaks from it to stop me from crying! I love your style of writing - just love it! especially the bit where you descript his choked sobs and reverbrating off the walls in haunted echoes. Genious. :]
Naaaah, I just love your stories XD
I'm just browsing all your stories and realised there's quite a few I havn't read :0
So I'm off to do that now! XD.
Amazing :]
Author's Response: D: I feel so... LOVED. ::glomps:: >___> ::glomps more:: <___< ::molests:: ..... XD? Thank you! I'm SO glad that you liked them that much, though I would steer clear of the ones not made recently... they're quite horrid. ::glomps again::
Name: Pockyplox (Signed) · Date: 17/08/08 - 02:37 pm · For: Thorns of Reality
Oh my god... This was... just... TT_TT *favs* 10/10
Author's Response: Aw, thank you! And if ya wanted to know; your dedicated new chapter of the old version of 'Hybrid' is up! -hugs- Thanks for reviewing! :] ~lemon