HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Instant Access to the Uchiha's Bank account? that's got 2 be one of the FUNNIEST things on here!!!! omg u'r really good at writing, u know? and Naruto was getting blinded by te note and the sun XDDDDDD
awsome job. lolz.
Author's Response:Really? It was that funny? That makes me reeeeally happy you think that.
And I myself cracked up while writting those parts with Naruto. I thought it'd be something he'd do.
aaaaaaw! that's so sad! T_T and cute!!! I can't believe Naruto REALLY believed Sasuke though on the Sakura-thing...but then again...yeah, i could.
Poor Sasuke!
O.O wait...what did i just say about that Uchiha...?
wow this fic is AWSOME!!!!!! u must write more!!!! XDDDDD
Author's Response:Yeah, Naruto's pretty dumb...
And yes, poor Sasuke! He doesn't know what he's gotten himself into with this love thing..
Author's Response:Yay, that reaction was what I was hoping for. xD
You're my best reviewer, you know that?
OMFG This is FREAKING AWSOME!!!!! could i just be a muse long enough 2 point out a minor error though???
in the beginning, when u were describing them, u said Naruto was taller than Sasuke, but later on u said that Sasuke was taller...when did they switch heights?????
lolz, i'm sorry, but i got confused by that...muse-moment over. u'r stories definately one of the best i've read in a looooong time. ^-^ please update it more. b29;
~Lots of love, Cherished b29; b29; b29;
Author's Response:Gaaah! Oh noes. Really, I did that? I used to have Sasuke taller than Naruto, but I changed that before I uploaded it to here and somewhere in the story I must have forgotten to change it...
But, Oh my gosh! I love you, you're so kind. And just for you, I'll go ahead and upload the next three chapters.
Heh... I love when Naruto gets drunk, funniest thing in the world! I really like this story so far, keep it up ^_^
Author's Response:Oh yay, thank you so much. ^^
I'm glad you like the story. The next three chapters are coming out here in a while. I just haven't gotten aound to uploading them. And really, I'm sorry in advance if I'm not a steady updater. It takes me a while to get back in the writting mood after uploading a chapter.