Reviews For Regrets
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 31/03/08 - 06:44 pm · For: Contrition
Guilt. Like many other emotions, it can tear you apart.
Neji should ask himself, "at what price freedom?" A burdened conscience? Is freedom worth that much, or is such a fate worse than slavery?
Shame, pain, fear... they all tear you apart. Just like guilt. There's no rest from emotions such as these.
... Poor Hinata. What ill fortune has accursed her? She doesn't deserve such a fate.
Wonder what Naruto would do if he finds out. How would it affect him?
Very interesting work. I'll wait patiently for an update.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for such a thoughtful review.All those emotions mentioned will play a big part in the story, all things will come full circle. I should have the next chapter up sometimes this read. Thank you very much for reading.rnrn~S