Please write more it so good
OH MY GOSH!!! I absoulutly love it!!!
I still love this story even though you're taking a long time to upload...I sometimes take just as long on the story I'm writing at the moment so I'd be a hypocrite if I complained.I really wish you'd told us what Sakura's reaction was...I can't wait to see it. I'll be waiting impatiently for the next chapter =]
Ohoho, I see where this is going >:] and I can't wait to read about it, too! And what Sakura's reaction will be to it. I hope that she won't be COMPLETELY out of the story after Sasuke gets knocked up (XD). I think I'd look forward to seeing how she would start to act around the two, and maybe be the mother hen(though SOME people would rather have her booted out...). I just can't wait to read about that, as well as the new development in plot involving Hiroshi :O Damn, he's so evil, but I can't feel mad because, hey, look at his motivation. Who wouldn't want a piece of that?
LOL at Torikkusuta and Sasuke and Hiroshi XD. I love how you managed to torture them both in one sitting. Made my day, it did :D
Love the action scenes ya put in there! Good luck with the writing ;] -kissu-
*is confused*
Does he...not like needles or something?
Author's Response: Yes, poor Torikkusuta does not like needles, and I couldn't miss the chance of doing that to Sasuke and Hiroshi. ;P
I stumbled upon your fics this past week and quickly read last chance and started second chance.
I must say I'm having confusing mixed feelings about the story. I like polygamy stories (though I haven't read them in naruto) but readin this story I really want Sakura to get the boot. I think it's because with your Sakura she has a core of selfishness. I could run down the list but as the writer you know her deeds. And this bothers me.
Mostly because I wish that Naruto would make more of an effort to show Sasuke that he's wanted. All throughout the first story Sasuke is the one who had to do everything and he is the one who bared his feelings of love first. And he didn't get a reciprication right away. And as soon as he leaves Naruto makes plans to marry Sakura, which I know has reasons but for poor Sasuke I think it's hard for him to veiw that rationally. His reaction to Naruto hugging Gaara shows his insecurity with his relationship with and place in Naruto's life and I don't blame him. And yeah Naruto was broken up at the thought of him dead but it's a different thing to be sad that someone would die and choosing to LIVE their life with someone. And we the readers know that Naruto is commited because of his conversation with Tsunade but Sasuke doesn't know. In the last story Naruto let everyone else decide for him and I wish that he would state this is what I want so that Sasuke knows. Like if Sakura wanted to watch them together I wish he would stand up and say, 'No my relationship with Sasuke is private and important, and he doesn't watch us so you have no right to demand to watch.'
I just think that as things are going Sasuke's going to get hurt and I want wrap him in a blanky with hot chocolate.
I will be avidly following the rest of the story, you have caught my interest and made me lover Sasuke even more than I did before.
argh i cant believe you kept me waiting this long! aha it was great tho :]
Author's Response: おながいしまう
I'm now paying the price for the long wait. I get so little response for this story, only a couple of loyal readers are still reviewing. Thanks for still reading.
-smiles- I'm so happy! Before I saw the message on your profile I was like 'Oh noez! She's not gonna finish -cry-' But then I got the brains to go and see if there were any little hints on your pro and was relieved that there was. -sigh- and good, Sasuke's not dead...but then again, I already knew that ;D I especially loved how Naruto was all sad (I felt like crying too) and then Sasuke arrives and gets pissed XD That was great.
Well, before I get into ranting (again) I'm going to tell you something....
At the end of 'Last Chance' Sakura said this; "Fine, under one condition....I get to watch." Now, why does that sound so marvelously perverted to me(because it is!)? XD And even more should totally make it into a oneshot. I mean, really, can you imagine it? I know I can, and that's why I'm telling you this. But I know you have a lot of stuff on your hands, so I won't FORCE you, but I will say this; think how how much FUN it could be. And I'll leave it at that ;]
-grins while hugging you- Off to read your new story! -love-
Author's Response: I'm sorry for being away so long, something was wrong with my writing brain. You make me giddy that I incited an emotion with Naruto's pain, I'm doing something right!
I thought about inserting some of the voyeurism in this story, but I'm not sure if it fits at this point.
Am I really horrible to want Sakura to say that she doesnt want Sasuke to have kids? I think it's because i don't like her there and i think maybe if she acts like a bitch she'll get pushed away. I mean...I like Sakura...but I don't like Narusaku...hmm...
I liked the chapter =P veeeery nice action =D So happy you eventualy updated...been waiting for ages and it was a good chapter to come back to =]
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked the chapter, but Sakura is an important part of this story. She's mostly in the background but she has her purpose. I'm happy to be back.
WOAH...wait a he dead. no really is he dead....wait, but...the Please Please Please Please Please update...Please (with sugar and other stuff that you like on top) I will love you forever. I love this story, I just read all the first and then this one back to back. Please dont abandon it.
Author's Response: I'm back, I did not abandon it. I was having a hard time after my computer deleted a finish chapter, and then you know life.
I hate to seem desperate. But i am! I really am!
You haven't updated in the longest time!
And you left us on a cliffy!!!
This is beyond evil! Hehe...
I know it's probably not you're fault and all But I really hope you comne back soon!!
I'll be waiting
Author's Response: I updated ! Yay!!!!!!!!!!
kakashi has the Sharingann to.
Author's Response: Kakashi is retired from ANBU and has silver hair. It would be very hard to confuse the two.
*stares* *points* Did...Did you just kill Sasuke...? Nah...I must be delusional.
Hiraishin no Jutsu! I absolutely love that one! Where'd you get the Japanese name for it? Or did ya just make it up? Either way, it's still awesome. I like the creativeness of the new jutsu too.
The battle scene was very thought out, I think anyways. Glad and not so glad to know that Hiroshi is back to being evil...Sasuke's not dead, right..?
*scratches head* You'll forgive me right? Ya know, for being so late to review...? Gomenasai! *bows* I'll try to be kinder and remember to check my e-mail ^^' NaruSasu forever! And all that...*love* Please update faster than I review! Heheh.
Author's Response: It's the real name, I use them when I can. Thanks, I try to make them plausible.
What would you say, if I said I was waiting for you before I updated? =^_^=
Noooooooooo!!!!! did not just...just...kill Sasuke!!! =O
no no no no no
oh god, a cliff hanger! you're so mean.
please please let him live! ='[
you've got me well into this story i'm really stressing out now!
Author's Response: Sorry, but I'm happy because it means you'll be back. ;)
HHNG that stupid rat
Kill him, please?
And make sure Sasuke isnt dead
Or ill kill you
Amazing story, please continue
Author's Response: Sorry, the rat is needed.
heh. *jumps up and down in circles* more chapters! Quick! Hurry! Ahh! Cliffy! Noo! Sasuke! Yeeeeep!
Love it! ^^
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I'll trying and hurry to finish the chapter and give you closure.
love to read more
Author's Response: More is coming.
No. You are not evil. You are a very cruel person. Sob. I love Sasu-chan. Don't kill him please.
Author's Response: I'll think about it, hehe.
Firstly, *fangril screech* an update! an update! AN UPDATE! *glomps* hehe aside from that joy:
What have you done?! T^T Uso da! *I'll pretend I know what I'm doing when I say that* Evil! I just know you're wouldn't...T^T...kill poor sasu-chan after dangling the Mpreg over my nose. >x<
nice job shoving a rat's ass in Naruto's face xD
Does 'dasu' mean anything? Or does it just sound good after 'rai'? I know 'rai' is lightning.
Naruto is looking a little *cough*marysue*cough* :P
Author's Response: I needed a jutsu so: Raitingu is actually lighting, is is shortened to rai in the Naruto world. Yobidasu is to call or summon and dasu by itself is to send. There for- smoosh and I have a jutsu!
I'll try to get you an update within a week, I don't want to be too evil with this cliffy.
AH! Five days late...Please forgive me. I haven't had time to read a lot. But I assure you that yours is always the first I look for. I haven't been disappointed a single time. I'm always happy to see that you've updated!
*nudge* If you do by any chance get that doujinshi making stuff done I'll be happy to read it!
I'm so happy that you are going to finish this even though some people haven't reviewed. The convert is here to stay ;] Good luck with future chapters! ♥
Author's Response: I'm so glad I still have some loyal readers like you lemon :) And I won't stop writing this story as long as you and Sakuranzu keep reviewing.
*eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* Update! *glomp* I'm glad to hear you're seeing this through! n_n But just fyi, I for one die for updates! But you have a life to live and I respect that. Gaara was awesome being so protective.
I love the new added pairing (if I'm not misread here). Hinata is such a pedophile! It's about 20 and 16 for them right?
Have you drawn any of that doujinshi yet? ^_- (sp?)
Author's Response: Thanks Sakuranzu, you are one of the main reasons I would never give up on this story.
You have some of Tori/Yuzu right but it's just flirting now. That's why he is so formal, he just doesn't get it.
*Lowers head and runs to avoid question* "I'm so lazy!"
MM. It was good. But please forgive me when i say that it felt like a filler part.
Author's Response: No really, I'm setting the scene but I wanted to post something this week. I will make more sense when the next part is posted. laugh or to melt? I think both would do fine at the moment. I LOVE to see these two interact with each other, and you just seem to make it even more sexy and adorable than usual! Poor bird...*laughs* Yes, come back soon little Sasu-chan. Naruto has...'plans' for you.
*sighs* I'm so HAPPY! I was worried that you left for good...but this made me crack a huge smile as soon as I saw it. But I don't think I can handle the teasing...It's like dangling a fish in front of a cat. You're too cruel Tereshi! I need to see a preggers!Sasu and protective!Naru NOW! It's all too much...
But, I anticipate the next update with much charisma and hope that it won't be too long! Kami knows I can't take it. I wonder what Gaara is planning to do with Sasuke...
Awesome job again! This is just too cute...Among 'other' things. Love to you! ♥
An office-set, wired to desk bondage lemon complete with rim job? How can we not forgive you Tereshi chan xD Naruto's possesiveness is super cute! Yuzuki saw something interesting alright xD I thought that maybe you forgot about his pants, but that was really well thought out! Hilarious xD I really wished Naruto had told Sasuke about his 'plans' in this chapter, but I'm already really happy that you've updated! *gold stars and a cookie*<3
Author's Response: Thanks for sticking with me, I fear everyone else has lost interest. But that's what happens when you slack off.
I'm glad you enjoyed the pants gag, I was hoping it would work well. I guess I'm still teasing with the MPreg since Sasuke still hasn't a clue about the plans =^_^=
this story was waide one