Reviews For Breathe
Name: Sinwar (Signed) · Date: 05/04/09 - 07:24 am · For: Breathe
You really have a way with words...keep it up!
Name: Risika76 (Signed) · Date: 02/02/08 - 03:50 pm · For: Breathe
Name: Archaic Aphorism (Signed) · Date: 23/01/08 - 05:25 pm · For: Breathe
Amazing! Brilliant! I loved the Breathing theme and the progressive line of thought.
The pairing was quite shocking. Absolutely splendid! I really liked how you kept me wondering the whole way through. If you hadn't told me at the beginning that you had picked a wacky couple, my first guess would have been Naruto (the breathing one) and Sasuke (the red eyes). My second guess was that the red eyes might have been Tobi... but Sasuke and his Pride... very interesting concept.
Well done. I have to be critical... word choice could have been stronger...
But phenomenal job, nonetheless. LOVED IT. MUAH.
Author's Response: *hugs so tightly you can't breathe* Oh you have no idea how relieved I am! I was so worried this was too sucky or too something that you wouldn't like it! *hugs tighter* The breathing thing was a last minute event, as was the pairing really...*sweat drop* Really? *grins happily* I kept you wondering? My job has been completed! *fists air in victory* And I would never do that to you! Give you Naruto and Sasuke when I promised wacky! (At first it was supposed to be Naruto breathing...But then I changed it to Sasuke 'cause it fit better...The first line even had a mention of his chest wound...I'm horrible, I know...*sweat drop* ) And I don't think I would have ever written Tobi...I thought you would have thought Itachi for the red eyes....>.< And I couldn't help but think of Sasuke's Pride as a whole different person...That looked exactly like him, you know? Glad you liked the idea! I was so flipping worried! >.< Ugh and I know! I so knew something was off, but I couldn't pin point it, but yes. I really could've used stronger words, at the ending mostly...Urgz....Glad you loved it! Oh and I am so glad you loved besides its many flaws and such...And I hope you aren't just being nice...*hugs as tight as she can, watching you turn blue* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: Star Princess (Signed) · Date: 14/01/08 - 09:15 am · For: Breathe
Wow. That was really good. It's so true. Because it is really hard to get in between those two. Great job.
Name: Ilkar (Signed) · Date: 14/01/08 - 05:39 am · For: Breathe
Liked it. Surprised me a great deal- I'd assumed it was going to be Itachi but wasn't. Liked the end with the bit about noone getting close to Sasuke without his permission. How true. Kind of wish it wasn't but got to face facts I guess. Anyway aside from my ramblings- I liked this a lot, good to read something of yours again xxx
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 13/01/08 - 08:05 pm · For: Breathe
I like that. Short and sweet. You did a nice job evening out the segments. Really brings out the feelings of the story.
Heh... pride. It might be salvation, but to me it's just another road to downfall. My downfall, to be more specific.
Well, enough of that. This isn't the best story I've seen, but still pretty good.