Reviews For Goodnight
Name: shattered_words (Signed) · Date: 04/04/08 - 11:27 am · For: Sleep Tight
At first one can't tell what story this is, but it draws you into the darkness and sadness lingering just on the surface of the words. This is a well written story that would bring a tear to anyone's eye. Nicely done.
Author's Response: Thanks. I intentionally left out the details to achieve the effect. I'm glad you like it.
Name: KibaxHinataluvr (Anonymous) · Date: 11/01/08 - 10:33 pm · For: Sleep Tight
aww, that was so sad!! you never disappoint, your such a good writer! great work!
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad I can meet your expectations, and provide good finished products. I hope I won't disappoint you in the future.
Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 11/01/08 - 07:53 pm · For: Sleep Tight
*laughs a bit* I usually always did my work IN school the day it was due. But thats what happens when you're a slacker *giggles*
At least it was an almost ass handing ~_^
Glad you got it done though. Hope you get a good grade for it!!
Author's Response: Yeah... I'm glad I didn't get my ass handed to me today. I need to keep it safe- at least until the next big fall.
Name: TTM (Signed) · Date: 11/01/08 - 03:54 pm · For: Sleep Tight
Wow, I guess my info is pretty outdated. Always thought the Fourth was Naruto's father...
Well, I've never looked into Shippuden so I guess it serves me right :)
Some nice work there man. And I hope to get that first proofread back to you today. I'll tlak to you over the email.
Author's Response: Thanks, man. It's getting pretty weird for me lately, with final exams coming up and whatnot. I appreciate your help.
Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 11/01/08 - 12:33 am · For: Sleep Tight
Heheh, I hate talking through reviews so feel free to delete these when you are done reading them ^_^;
Good luck with your homework! Hope you get it done and correct XD
*laughs* I hope you don't have to stay up till three or later if its not something you are used to! Its 3:30 right now...and YAY someone just signed on :D I pays to have people as friends in different completely different time zones~~
Sorry for barking up your page again just felt like saying good luck!!
Author's Response: Man... I stayed awake until like 3:00, and then- I got tired of everything. I had to finish the damn thing at school today.
I'm not pulling something like that off again. Almost had my ass handed to me.
Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 10/01/08 - 11:41 pm · For: Sleep Tight
*laughs* Yeah >> I just popped onto TONFA and saw you wrote something, I try to read everything you write cause you are one of the few people I can stand to read that writes het XD
*Bored insomniac* None of my friends sign on until at least 3 cause they suck XD so till then I have to entertain myself!
*giggles* Yeah I kinda felt all stalker like when I realized I was your first hit and review XDD
Author's Response: Hmm... I see. Interesting...
Darn it, I need to get back to my homework. I'm in major shit if I don't finish it today... it's due tomorrow. Well, guess I'll be up until 3 or later, as well...
Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 10/01/08 - 10:59 pm · For: Sleep Tight
Oh god man, make me tear up why don't you?!
That was hauntingly beautiful and gave a good look into Minato's thoughts before leaving his son.
There are quite a few fics out there that try and describe how Minato might have felt that night but none of them touched me as much as this short little one right here.
I love how short it is, each sentence is packed with enough emotion and detail that its like reading many at once.
Wonderful job, thanks so much for writing this!
Author's Response: Thank you. It's just me, catching feelings from another beautiful song. I'm really glad that you liked it.
Wow. That was the fastest time it ever took for a new story of mine to get a review. Thanks for that, too.