Reviews For The Logical Conclusion
Name: cynthia (Anonymous) · Date: 25/11/07 - 05:05 pm · For: Pretty Eyes
Name: cynthia (Anonymous) · Date: 25/11/07 - 05:05 pm · For: Pretty Eyes
Name: Lamerstu (Signed) · Date: 18/07/07 - 07:09 am · For: Pretty Eyes
Please make more! I love this. And I think you have a happy ending for Neji and Hinata, poor souls...
Name: Lamerstu (Signed) · Date: 18/07/07 - 07:09 am · For: Pretty Eyes
Please make more! I love this. And I think you have a happy ending for Neji and Hinata, poor souls...
Name: thenarutofanfreak22 (Signed) · Date: 20/06/07 - 09:25 am · For: Pretty Eyes
This so sad, I was crying for poor Hinata, that was right, even if they did feel she was the weaker link in the chain, you can't just take someone's birthright away you know. Anyway...You get a 10 because this story is so moving...
Name: Boo_chan (Signed) · Date: 25/03/07 - 01:09 pm · For: Pretty Eyes
P.S. You write extremely beatiful!
Name: Boo_chan (Signed) · Date: 25/03/07 - 01:06 pm · For: Pretty Eyes
I loved it! It was great written, had a lovely plot, and no one seemed OOC!
Please continue it!
But I beg you! Don't make it a SasuHina fanfic! Give Hinata and Neji a happy ending, and kick some Hyuuga ass, please! They make me so mad! >:(
I can't wait for the next chapter! ^__^