Reviews For New Year's many changing hearts
Name: AllTheRightMistakes (Signed) · Date: 17/03/08 - 08:00 pm · For: Sai and Kiba
Hmmm....You asked for a new what about...."Fickle Hearts"?
It's alright if you don't use it, it was just a suggestion. But anyways, the story was really sweet. I liked it.
Name: Charlottee x (Anonymous) · Date: 01/01/08 - 04:10 am · For: Sai and Kiba
Im totally confused o.o
so, naruto can have kids..
but it would be from Kyuubi, so the child might be a demon.
so naruto's not allowed to have kids.. so whats the akatsuki got to do with it? o.O
they'd just burn the whole village down...
man this is confuzzlin XD
good storyline though :]
Author's Response: *sweatdrop* sorry Charlottee! I feel like an idiot for making that mistake. XD thanks for pointing that out! When I get into writing I tend to get into details a lot. here, let me explain what I was trying to write. rnrnyes, Tsunade and everyone who know's about Naruto having the Kyuubi assume he can have kids (because Kyu-chan is a girl i tell you!) rnand yes, the council -in the story- is worried that it would be from Kyuubi, and they don't want the demon destroying the villiage. So they threatened to hire Akatsuki to take said kid(s) but i'm sure that the ppl. would drive Naruto and said kid(s) out of the villiage before handing them over...and probably have some hundred Shinobi at the ready in case the Akatsuki tried anything funny. I'll try to make things clearer in the next chapter. XD once again I am sooo sorry for the confusion. :heart: and thanks again for pointing it out! rnrn~Lots of Love, Cherished.