Reviews For Teaching the Perv a New Trick.
Name: darco-loves-harry (Anonymous) · Date: 17/04/08 - 12:56 am · For: Chapter 1
I just had to read this one after the JiraIru one and man oh man I was not disappointed!! I'm so jealous of your writing skills...I mean you make everything seem like it actually could happen...'cause I thought to myself before reading this "How in the hell will she (he?) get them to have sex??" you made it very believable! I almost peed myself over the thing with clone... I wonder if Kakashi has ever have a three way with him and his clone and Iruka....or had sex with his clone?! HA! That would give new meaning to "go fuck yourself" xP
Author's Response: OMG XD The mental image just burned me out, I swear. I was like, hmm, mmm...-POP-. XD I saw a doujinshi (sp is probably wrong) once where Kaka and a Kaka clone had a fun time with Iruka. XD It was hawt, seriously, I think it was called DOuble Game or something-you'll have to look for it. (Me too, now that I remember it). XD I'm glad it came out as semi-natural; I didn't want to just say...boom, let's do it. Glad you liked it, and thank you so much for the review!
Name: Firesong (Signed) · Date: 18/01/08 - 09:52 am · For: Chapter 1
Holy crap, Jiraiya as uke?! I applaud you on your breaking of new ground (at least for me)!! This is the first story I've EVER read that had him as anything other than dominant, and it was good!! ^-^ I look forward to reading more.
Author's Response: n.n I'm so happy! It was fun to write, and kind of weird too. Glad someone else got a kick out of it! -mad snuggles- thanks for reviewing!
Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 07/12/07 - 05:27 pm · For: Chapter 1
*chuckles* That was great lol, the whole time I fought with myself to see Jiraiya uke to Kakashi but it worked for some parts :D
XDDD I'm glad poor Kakashi got something interesting after such a disappointing book *snickers*
Great job ^^ Thanks for the read!!
Author's Response: I know, it was so hard to write! But I did say I'd take requests...LMAO. n.n It was hard to picture, which made it difficult, but after I blindfolded the old perv it got easier. n.n I might do another one, just because it's great to make myself stretch like that.rnrnOr I might do someone else...anyone else got a suggestion for the most unlikely uke in the series? And don't say Kakashi...he's already given it up a couple of times for his Ruka. n.nrnrnAnyone got a suggestion, send me a message. !
Name: Hyuuga Akenai (Signed) · Date: 06/12/07 - 06:59 pm · For: Chapter 1
*giggles madly*
(thats all I got...)
Author's Response: lol tis ok. n.n rn
Name: saisasi (Anonymous) · Date: 06/12/07 - 10:28 am · For: Chapter 1
ooo I love snow days I got to read this rather than be in class! According to my boyfriend this is my last story until I get a start on my art prodject for class... hmm what to draw *evil smirk* It was really wonderful again!
Author's Response: LMAO *SNICKER* I can think of some things you probably shouldn't draw. *SNICKER* You know, it's snowing like crap out here but I didn't get to stay home WTF? Not fair. Like Direct Marketing and Marketing Management are good enough to possibly DIE for? I think I'm going home! LMAO. Ah well. Glad you liked the story!