i luv it can i be in it?
I wish I could leave a deep, philosophical review but everything just poured out in the reading and all I have left is a handkerchief of tears.
Omg!!!!!!!!! I luuurved every bit of it! Awesome stuff...
good story i liked it
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I'm glad that you enjoyed this!
And I am still your derpiest fan who likes making you look back and relive the good ol' times. REMINISCE WITH ME ALGI--I MEAN BRUMAL.
PS - Always remember that you're the drop of sunshine in the tea of my life. And this fic is the fire that boiled the water for it. (In other words, I fangirled so hard my pants caught fire. And I decided to make tea. ALL WAS WELL.)
Author's Response: I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M RESPONDING TO THIS NOW--A YEAR LATER--BUT I REVISTED ALL MY OLD FANFIC ACCOUNTS, AND THERE ARE REVIEWS FOR ME TO RESPOND TO? So man, I haven't used this thing in forever! D= I thought it would have died by now.... Anyway, you're a cutie, so there!
Oh my goodness! This was just an amazing story! I'm so sad that it's over! There were so many emotions evoked in this! Your entire story was just phenomenal, and I really wish there was more to read! I'm so upset that there is no more! This was great, you're a really amazing author. Just fantastic!
Author's Response: Hi, sorry! I took so long to get back to you on this! (An entire year, wow!) I left this site for so long already.... But despite that, even if you don't remember how you felt when you first left this review, I'd still like to thank you for your kindness! I'm very happy that you had spent the time reading my story and leaving me a review! I truly appreciate your support. C=
OMG I KNEW IT I KNEW IT XD that was amazing! It was very well written and flowed well!!!
Author's Response: Whoa! I am sincerely sorry that it took me a year (A YEAR!!) to get back to this! I left this account to lie in dust (and actually completely forgot my log-in information, for that matter), but I'd still like to thank you for your support! I don't know if it means much, after so long, but it's still nice to know that, once upon a time, people liked my writing! Hehehe. Thanks again! C=
wow....this story was so,... strange but, comforting... jits strange that sasuke would be nobody...nice job
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you liked this story. Thanks for taking the time to read and review this, I really appreciate it.
That was so sad! It almost made me cry . . . but it was great. I want to read more.
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed my story. Sadly, I don't have a sequel; although, if you look into my collection of drabbles called "Sense of Love" there is something akin to that. Enjoy!
Why, why, why did you leave it at that? Not that it wasn't brilliant and moving and... oh, I don't know.
I loved this story and I hated it. I wanted a happy ending but what you wrote is probably better than any other ending but still... anyway, moving on; the description was amazing, the emotions you evoked, the entire idea was brilliant. A great job, as always.
I hope this review does justice to this story; keep up the brilliant work.
Author's Response: First things first: Wow. You really sat down again and went through a bunch of my stories. But not only that, but you left me a helluva lot of reviews too. THANK YOU.rnrnWhy did I leave it like that? Well, come on, you know how I am, don't you? I don't do well with fluff. Maybe I'm better with it now, but still! I need my angst! And this story--I don't know. I just never imagined that it could end happily.rnrnAnd as usual, thank you so much! I'll have to take my time replying to all of your other incredible reviews (thanks so much for them!). But for now, I'll have to get to something else. And yes, of course your review does this story justice. I love reviews, no matter how short or long or silly they are! I can't say "thank you" enough!
I liked it a lot! I really loved how the story progressed quietly, and how in the end, the Nobody finally revealed himself. It was a good story, well written, with good details and a nice writing style. :D
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm so glad that you liked this. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story and leave a review! I really appreciate it.
...u know the same time his mouth went dry, so did mine XDD lol.
awesome story btw, nicely described ^^ i give u a 10~!!!
one question: so sasuke died right? or just never called again? ...the bastard >.> he was prolly just jealous of the two >.< i have no right to say that lol. thankx for the sotry~! =^-^=
Author's Response: ... Died? Uhhh.... That's... a new one.rnrnI've never had anyone assume that Sasuke died....rnrnFor all I know as the writer of this small portion of their (very incredibly fictional) life, he's alive and well.... But, I mean, if you want him to be dead, then by all means, he's dead. Hahaha.rnrnBut, um, thanks for reading and leaving me a review! I still really appreciate it.
I'm not sure how to respond to this. It was so moving that I was rendered motionless and thoughtless for a minute. Then came my excited laughter. My laughing and my tears are interchangable sometimes, and after reading this story, it was bound to come out either or. But I laughed.
I hoped in the back of my mind that it was Sasuke, and everytime there was no voice on the other end of the line, I saw Sasuke.
The concept... phone calls from an unknown person... it's so romantic, and I don't mean the love/love definition, either. I mean the way that there is a mysterious silence on the other end, the way Naruto keeps going back to it, and lets the caller tag along with him throughout his life. Romantic in that nobody knew about Nobody, even when Nobody had been around for so long.
Naruto was lucky to have someone to talk to. Sometimes the anonymous make better listeners than those we know in the outside world.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for the thoughtful review--you made me smile! rnrnBut, um, I think if I were the one getting silent, anonymous phone calls, I would either a) get really pissed off, b) get freaked out, or c) both. XD It's a nice idea, but putting it into practice in real life kind of gives me the creeps. Hahaha. Well, one can dream!rnrnI don't even remember where this idea came from, but it's so popular with everyone, so I'm glad for that! And I'm happy you enjoyed this story as well. It's one of my greatest pride, knowing that people liked reading what I write.It was actually kinda touching to receive something like this, so thanks again! I really appreciate it.
eh it was all right
Author's Response: Alrighty, thanks for reading this and leaving a review anyways! I appreciate your time! Thanks again.
*Sniff,sniff*That ending made me a little upset but Sasuke-Kun I knew it was him all along but it made me cry a little,but I'm a strong girl so I fought back the tears.Sasuke-Kun I wonder how he really felt when he found out?(Please answer my questions.) LOVES AND KISSES, GrayFOX77
Author's Response: Your question was very awkwardly stated and thus I have no idea what you are actually asking me. I'm stuck between whether you asked me how SASUKE felt in the end or how NARUTO felt in the end.rnrnSasuke didn't feel anything because he knew what was going on in Naruto's life the entire time, he just chose not to intervene.rnrnNaruto's feelings are for you to figure out. The whole point of my story is to make people think.rnrnThanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.
That was sad! But this was an awesome fic. I feel so sorry for Naruto. Sasuke was just too late though, huh? ^^ He's a weird stalker.
Author's Response: Well, really, Sasuke was never 'late' for anything. He had called each and every month to Naruto and was able to know about all the coming and goings in his life. Had he wanted to do anything about Naruto's life, he could have easily intervened. But he didn't. He just sat back and watched his friend's life go by, change and alter, slowly bit by bit until the very end. So there was nothing that Sasuke was 'late' for. It was his choice not to do anything.rnrnBut thank you for reading and reviewing! I appreciate your patience very much.
woah... that was reaaaaaaaaalllllyy good.
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it!rnrnThanks for reading and reviewing as well!
That was just amazing!!! Another great job from you!! It sucks that I don't have an acount this this site... I think. >.<
But anyways, this was beautiful!!! Too bad for Naruto... T.T
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm pleased that you enjoyed this story!rnrnThanks for reading and reviewing! I appreciate the support!
Excellent. I applaud you for such creativity and originality. As usual, you come up with the oddest ideas. I must say that this idea of Sasuke using such strange means of keeping up with his old friends’ life is very bizarre, but at the same time, it is absurdly appealing. The concept of silent phone calls is so Sasuke-like. Seeing that Sasuke was always the one who wanted to keep himself out of the spotlight, and Naruto’s open attitude that you put to full use in your fiction, you pulled off everything very neatly. There is no denying that the ending is extremely heart-wrenching; for a moment there after I have finished reading, I could not help but to stare at the monitor blankly. But I suppose it is safe to guess that that would be one of the reactions that you have tried to extract from us – your humble readers.
No matter whose place one places himself or herself in, it would still be painful. Sad. Sasuke could and will never be able to enjoy a normal live, only living it out in his best friend. He could only imagine through shards of narrations that Naruto would tell him through the phone. For a while, he can stop being Sasuke the Avenger. For the short period of time, he could be a figment of nobody that listens to a trusted friend’s confiding and place all his hopes and dreams in the blond.
Naruto. Sweet, tough, gullible Naruto. Used till the end. Harsh, but that is it, is it not? People say, true friends are said to be there for you at all times. Truth was…true friends are those who willingly allows you to manipulate them to your liking. But that is the bleaker version of life. I, personally, prefer the brighter one. Nonetheless, Naruto had never felt anything – sharing everything in his life with Nobody, but the moment he knew who Nobody was, he should be aware of the fact that not only did he lose Sasuke, and that he might have revoked a feeling of love/longing for the Uchiha. He now carries the burden of living on both his and Sasuke’s life, and that would be a life-long burden. Not being able to bring the Avenger back, this would be the least that he can do. Which technically brings me to my conclusion that…Sakura, in a very warped sense, was able to be with Sasuke in the end. But what pains the most would probably be this:
“Dead last.”
Sasuke never forgot.
As for Sakura, her pain would be the least. Or it could be the worst. She never heard Sasuke’s voice. Depends on how one wants to see it. Some says ignorance is bliss. Others say better to have tasted sweetness for a while and then suffer bitterness for the rest of your life rather than never tasted it before.
Like I said, it hurts. In the end, it all hurts.
But I think you knew all these already.
Author's Response: Oh no, I'm must congratulate YOU for it is YOU who figured out all my subliminal messages. You come second only to my beat-reader, who is very sharp! You too, are very sharp. I applaud you for such your deep insight and analyzation to this story!rnrnYou've caught each and every small aspect of this story in which I wanted to portray, if not more. That in and out of itself is quite frightening, but I am glad that I was able to write something worthy of such scrutiny. It does make me feel quite proud.rnrnI will answer yes to your guess. The utterly empty feeling of reading this story was what I, a humbler writer than the humble reader, was trying to invoke... Seems like I got more tears than thoughts on this though. Ah, but I cannot complain. It is still emotion that I have been able to invoke.rnrnA wonderful play on words that you have used. I could not help but to burst out into laughter at how you have used them. You have made my night that much happier. I thank you.rnrnI also thank you for taking such time to type me such a monstrous review! I seriously am wondering if you are her (my beta-reader) because you two share quite a few similarities already. She also had the tendency to scare the guts out of me with exceedingly long reviews (not that I didn't like it...).rnrnWell then, for the third time I must show you my gratitude for reading my story, analyzing it so well, and writing me a lovely review! I appreciate the support very much and I will be hoping to see more reviews from you sometime in the future? Thank you greatly.
That was so sad.
I was all like "nawh"
I liked how you wrote it.
How it was set out.
How we had to wait 'til the very end, and then he was gone. I loved everything about it. Almost made me cry. Haha, almost.
Author's Response: Oh, well that's a good thing! I hate making people cry. But I'm glad that you liked this!rnrnThank you for reading and reviewing! I appreciate your support very much!
omg!!! *sob* that ...was...so...SAD!!!!! you made us wait until the very end and then BAM! and then the whole nobody was gone! that was the saddest thing ive ever read! nooo!!! naruto you idiot why didnt you say something!! it makes me crave more of this but its all over and he will nver hear from him again!!! TT-TT *sob* maybe this fic will go on?? (hint hint) but the way you made the ending so heart wrenching is so utterly sad! i dont think there is any way you could possibly make this better!! its just so sad!! sasuke come back!!!!! naruto loves you!!! im holding back tears nows so ill just go.....WHYYYYYY!!!!!!!
Author's Response: Naw, I won't write a sequel to this. I purposefully write fanfictions with vague endings because I like it that way! Sorry if I disappointed you by not writing a sequel! I'm happy that you found this 'perfect' to the point where there's nothing more to fix. That flatters me very much!rnrnThanks for the continual support! I'm very grateful for that!
Wow, that was just amazingly amazing... seriously i wanted to cry at the end hehe... you should right more sasunaru... lots more... i really do praise this, its really heart wrenching in my view! TT_TT
Author's Response: Oh I doubt I'll be able to write anything else besides SasuNaruSasu... I'm just too obsessed... I'm very glad that you liked this story! Thank you for reading and reviewing this!
Wow! This was great I loved it, it was so sad but amasing in the same time. Good work!
Author's Response: Hahah, I don't know so much about amusing, but sad, sure. Thank you for reading this and reviewing! I appreciate the support!
OMG!!!!!! TTT_TTT this is sooo sad!!!! 1000000000000000000000000000000/10 sugar!
Author's Response: Egads, you just broke the 10/10 scale! :laughs: Thank you very much though! I'm glad that you liked it... At least I think you liked it. XDDD