Reviews For Reasons
Name: Thumper (Anonymous) · Date: 12/04/08 - 05:53 pm · For: Reasons
=O Aaw, poor Sakura~! No wonder everyone was ignoring her! Nicely written though...
Name: stylin_crimson (Signed) · Date: 26/11/07 - 12:41 pm · For: Reasons
Wow! That was scary! Mint! Complettely moving.
Author's Response: Omg, I scared you too? xD I didn't want to do it intentionally, I swear! Thanks for the nice review *hugs*
Name: GrayFOX77 (Anonymous) · Date: 24/11/07 - 08:05 pm · For: Reasons
Wow that was scary I thought he was going to tell her to leave him alone or something.Great story it scared the living soul out of me and I think I was crying cause I love Sasuke so much almost as much as Sakura so Bye and great story by the way. LOVES AND KISSES, GrayFOX77
Author's Response: O.O omg, I didn't thought that this story would be scary. Sorry to scare you then, but I had this concept in my mind for some time and I made this small on-shot with it along with this song which a famous band of my country sings it ^.^ Thanks for the review, more than appreciated.
Name: PaNiK__heartz (Signed) · Date: 23/11/07 - 05:19 pm · For: Reasons
*Sniffle* That was beautiful!
Well done. I loved the whole concept. I loved it so much, uwahh!
I want to read it over and over again! ( I'd eat it if I could. )
OMG I just realized I hated SasuSaku but STOP CONFUSING ME WITH YOUR GOOD WRITING!!! : O Rawr. Keep up the good works anyway! ^_^
Author's Response: *blushes madly* thank you so much for this nice review! Your words mean a lot to me, and oh, yeah, sorry to confuse you, it's not intentionally, I swear! XD