Reviews For Drifting Leaves
Name: Lunanekosuna (Anonymous) · Date: 24/10/07 - 09:32 pm · For: Straight. Really.
Duh duh duh duh suna: wahahahahaha i'mmmmm backkk and* dramatic pause* i LOVE it! ruka: *smack* suna:owwww ruka: i have class tommorrow . WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THE LOUD ASS SOUNDEFFECT AND THE CANDLES suna: *sniff* trying to create a mood and give a good review halloween coming soon ruka: oh well STOP IT NOW ! suna: eep yes sir . He just mad kashi hasnt come back yet . Anyway i love it hope there is more you know like a trilogy please countine writing luv ya bye.
Author's Response: lol hi lunan. n.n Yep, there's at least one more, where they actually hook up. Of course, heh. I appreciate the sound effects, lol. favorite holiday. n.n
Name: saisasi (Anonymous) · Date: 23/10/07 - 02:55 pm · For: Homecoming
AHHH whyd you have to leave off there! there could be soo much more goofy gigglie goodness! heh i loved it ^_^
Author's Response: Heh heh. There will be more, I promise. n.n It's just getting good! Thanks for the review n.n *snugglies*