The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12003
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Chula
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For CrackPair OneShots

Name: ao (Anonymous) · Date: 28/05/11 - 11:05 am · For: The Next Step
Why no more? T_T You should write a sequel! I want to read more! Great fic ^______^

Name: Mizz (Signed) · Date: 09/02/09 - 11:31 pm · For: The Next Step
Love it!!!!

Name: hinata123 (Anonymous) · Date: 30/01/09 - 10:42 am · For: Stolen Moment
ME:Wow! that was awsome!
Neji:You think so?
Me:I know so. Wherer is shika?
Shikamaru:Let me guess, you werer picking again?
Me:Now, before you kill me
Neji:He won't
Shikamaru:Yeah, just wanted to say thanks
ME:Oh. Okay! ANyway, nice work

Name: hinata123 (Anonymous) · Date: 15/12/08 - 11:14 am · For: Comforting
Me:How cute!
SHika:I was like that?
Iruka:I was like that?
Neji:*Blushing*Wow, and to think you are the seme of our relationship
ME:Don't worry Neji. It's cool with you, right?
Neji:Sure! but, I wanted a vid

Name: Chikaku (Anonymous) · Date: 18/04/08 - 04:49 am · For: Icha Icha All the Way!
Whoo, cute as. Love Shika and Ruka. though i've never really read one with Asuma since he's so bulky and stuff, still, cute with Kakashi and Shika.

Author's Response: LOL Asu's one of my favorites, but then, I like big teddy bears who are gruff on the outside and soft on the inside. XD Asuma's not really all that buff, really, if you look in the manga, he's not that much bigger than everyone else, but he's been so well protrayed in most fanfics as the hairy, bulky and hulky one. XD Ah well. But I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for the review!

Name: draco-loves-harry (Anonymous) · Date: 18/04/08 - 12:51 am · For: Comforting
*squishes you* AWWW! So fwuffy and sweet and adowable!! I loved this a lot, especially how vulnerable and desperate Shika was. It was very endearing and you don't see that side of him all too often. Beautifully composed m'dear

Author's Response: n.n -blush- aww, thanks! I'm so glad you liked it. This was a nice story to write; it made me smile. I love stories that make me smile!

Name: draco-loves-harry (Anonymous) · Date: 18/04/08 - 12:24 am · For: Icha Icha All the Way!
WHY DON'T I READ ENOUGH 4-WAY SLASH?!!? That was beyond hotness... beyond smoldering... beyond sweltering... that was 1000000x hotter than the surface of the sun! You write the characters so well I have actually began to forget what's cannon and what isn't! Man I fucking love smut :3

Author's Response: XD Wow, that's actually a really amazing compliment! I know I have trouble remembering too, sometimes, what's canon and what's in my (and other author's) heads. XD And you don't read more 4-way cause it's actually MUCH harder to write than it appears. XD But I'm so glad you liked it-begin shameless plug-have you read Towards the Center yet? There's another 4-way in there with Gen, Ru, Rai and Asu. XD I do like my Asuma, that's for sure. -end shameless plug- Annnyway...-huggles- thank you so much for the review!

Name: darco-loves-harry (Anonymous) · Date: 17/04/08 - 12:56 am · For: Teaching the Perv a New Trick.
I just had to read this one after the JiraIru one and man oh man I was not disappointed!! I'm so jealous of your writing skills...I mean you make everything seem like it actually could happen...'cause I thought to myself before reading this "How in the hell will she (he?) get them to have sex??" you made it very believable! I almost peed myself over the thing with clone... I wonder if Kakashi has ever have a three way with him and his clone and Iruka....or had sex with his clone?! HA! That would give new meaning to "go fuck yourself" xP

Author's Response: OMG XD The mental image just burned me out, I swear. I was like, hmm, mmm...-POP-. XD I saw a doujinshi (sp is probably wrong) once where Kaka and a Kaka clone had a fun time with Iruka. XD It was hawt, seriously, I think it was called DOuble Game or something-you'll have to look for it. (Me too, now that I remember it). XD I'm glad it came out as semi-natural; I didn't want to just say...boom, let's do it. Glad you liked it, and thank you so much for the review!

Name: darco-loves-harry (Anonymous) · Date: 17/04/08 - 12:19 am · For: Rough Night
dammit I'm logged in but why won't it sign my name for me when I write reviews? Help the noob!! >///

Author's Response: I don't know what's going on. I guess maybe just make sure you're on? Sometimes if your computer blocks cookies really aggressively, moving from one screen to another will log you out, because the cookies aren't being stored. It's wierd-I've never had that problem, so other than the cookie thing, I can't think of what could be wrong.

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 17/04/08 - 12:17 am · For: Rough Night
!!!!!!!!!!!! *drowns in a puddle of own drool*
Gotta love rough sex! Is there anything much hotter? You tell me. I never thought Ibiki could be so.... smoldering! And the line about Naruto and Kakashi! HA! I acually snorted...

Author's Response: XD Thanks! I don't know where that came from-just one of those things that popped into my head. XD Ah well. I'm so glad you liked it-I <3 Random smex, and I've had an Ibiki fascination for a while, so the combination was too good to resist. lol. -hugs-

Name: draco-loves-harry (Anonymous) · Date: 15/04/08 - 02:07 pm · For: Surprising Comfort
Whoa! Whoa! WHOA!!! That did not just happen...but it did, and it was HOTTT!! I was kinda iffy when I thought about Jiraiya/Iruka but wow...usually I find Crack!pairs just weird but you made it really seem plausible! Yay for you! And you threw in some angst which I liked here, it worked well. Damn it Kakashi! I want to smack him!! Poor Ruka...but at least he got to have hot smutty sex!!! XD

Author's Response: XD That's true! I love hot smutty smex with Iruka and ANYONE, and Jiraiya's HAWT, so hey...I thought it felt kind of natural! XD If I can get the muse together, I'd like to do more with this couple; I can see it, and it'd be cute. And hot. Cuhot? XD A new word! Houte. XD God, I need to not answer these on a full pot of coffee at midnight. XD Anyways....I'm glad you liked it, and thank you for the review!!!

Name: draco.loves.harry (Anonymous) · Date: 14/04/08 - 03:01 am · For: Sleep with Me
*squee* Man do you ever have a knack for fluff!! My face kinda hurts from all the smiling! >.< This was so beautifully written I swear it could be cannon!!! XD *sigh* If only, if only...

Author's Response: XD I think it see how Iruka blushes when he talks to Kakashi...mmm. I'm so glad you liked the story! Thank you for reviewing!!

Name: Kairie1o1x (Anonymous) · Date: 10/04/08 - 05:34 pm · For: Distraction
Awesome Fic...
You should do a AsuIruKure Fic

Author's Response: Ew. XD I'm not a het fan, seriously, but with Asuma and Iruka in there, it might be doable. XD Tell you what-I'll add it to my request list and if the bunny hits me, I'll dedicate it to you. n.n Glad you liked it, and thank you for the review!

Name: Bunny_no_Jutsu (Signed) · Date: 06/04/08 - 01:09 pm · For: The Poker Incident
I don't know what to say but good job anyways! I hope I have a poker to send to Kakashi on his birthday.XD

Author's Response: XD Poor Kakashi, I think we traumatized him. XD This was such crack. Glad you liked it anyway. LOL. Thanks for the review!

Name: CrimsonEmbrace (Anonymous) · Date: 17/03/08 - 06:30 pm · For: Break
I'm going to have to come back to this site often... just for you, your stories are so awesome, so perfect. Thank you!

Author's Response: -hugs- thank you so much. I'm trying to write again, but it's slow going. My muse is being evil -whines-rn

Name: CrimsonEmbrace (Anonymous) · Date: 17/03/08 - 06:23 pm · For: Rough Night
Wow! You are my God! I'm so hot I can barely form words. I think my hearts going to explode... Oh my God! Please tell me you've wrote more Ibiki stories, he's my absolute favorite!!! You need to post this at and while you're there check out my lame attempts at Ibiki stories.

Author's Response: XD I love the Ibiki, but I haven't done a whole lot with him yet. I'm working on a longer one, with him and Iruka and Kakashi and Shibi (read Avoiding the Issue...XD) I haven't posted anything at Adultfanfic yet....might have to, though. -hugs- thanks for the review!

Name: Jun (Anonymous) · Date: 16/03/08 - 03:19 am · For: Stolen Moment
I like this FF!
Neiji is very cute^^
God I hope you write more!
(My English is worser than my japanese XD)


Author's Response: Thank you very much! Neji is adorable. XD Thank you for the review!!

Author's Response: Thank you very much! Neji is adorable. XD Thank you for the review!!

Name: Nick (Anonymous) · Date: 28/02/08 - 04:24 pm · For: Icha Icha All the Way!

Author's Response: n.n Thank you!!!! -hugs-rn

Name: Seins_Sorrow (Signed) · Date: 26/01/08 - 03:36 pm · For: Stolen Moment
This was sweet.

Author's Response: n.n THank you! I thought it was. Thanks for the review!

Name: Dkf (Signed) · Date: 19/01/08 - 01:36 pm · For: Surprising Comfort

Aw. I can believe asshole!kakashi, even though I dont want to. One way to get your loved ones to leave before they die is to drive them away...

 JiraiIru is tasty. 

Author's Response: It is, isn't it? Surprisingly tasty. n.n It's a new fav. And yeah, Kakashi is really flaky and probably has trouble staying in a normal relationship, which is why he's the bad guy so often, lol.

Name: Firesong (Signed) · Date: 18/01/08 - 09:52 am · For: Teaching the Perv a New Trick.
Holy crap, Jiraiya as uke?! I applaud you on your breaking of new ground (at least for me)!! This is the first story I've EVER read that had him as anything other than dominant, and it was good!! ^-^ I look forward to reading more.

Author's Response: n.n I'm so happy! It was fun to write, and kind of weird too. Glad someone else got a kick out of it! -mad snuggles- thanks for reviewing!

Name: Firesong (Anonymous) · Date: 16/01/08 - 03:45 pm · For: Rough Night
Geez... O_o that was surprisingly hot. A little disturbing with Ibiki in there, but still.. really well written ^^'

Author's Response: LMAO thank you very much! -snuggle- I thought it was fun to write...

Name: Krimie (Anonymous) · Date: 07/01/08 - 11:03 pm · For: Understand
Because I don't know how to reply to replies in You just made my day. That's even better. *glee* I hope it works out ^.^

Author's Response: -huggles- n.n

Name: Zuki (Signed) · Date: 04/01/08 - 02:58 am · For: Surprising Comfort
OH wow... that was good!

Author's Response: Thank you very much! I'm very, very glad you liked t! n.n

Name: hinata_darkmoon (Signed) · Date: 03/01/08 - 10:04 pm · For: Rough Night
sexy, the ending was so cute!

Author's Response: n.n THanks! I'm writing the sequel, in which Raidou hears about Ibiki's smexiness and can't resist pushing his luck. n.n LOL.rn

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