Reviews For Not dead yet
Name: Akura (Signed) · Date: 02/06/08 - 09:18 pm · For: Not dead yet
Dude..omg...this made me cry so freakin HARD!!! Especially since 'Over And Over' is my favorite song, and I listened to it while reading this, which didn't help the much emotion put inot it! I absolutely LOVE it!!!! Good job!
Name: ArtyChan (Signed) · Date: 01/09/07 - 03:40 am · For: Not dead yet
Omg, Chiyo! It's awesome. *sniff* I got tears in my eyes when Deidara talked about what Sasori used to do after they argued. And you used 'Sori'! Aww, that's such a cute nickname, lol. Hehe.. I shall keep sending you SasoDei- And you'll like it even more. :P ~Arty x x x
Author's Response: I already love that pairing now! Especially with recent happenings in the anime- It's great to write about! I got really upset on more than one occasion while writing... I miss Sasori!rnBut i thouroughly enjoyed writing it, so I am really glad people are liking reading it too. Thanks for reviewing ^_^
Name: Lamerstu (Signed) · Date: 01/09/07 - 02:44 am · For: Not dead yet
Wow. That was a perfect blend of darkness and... slight hope. So Itachi is still human after all, he just chooses to ignore his emotions and feelings. Was it me, or was there a hint of something at the end? *tilts head inquiringly*
Author's Response: Yeah, I am still insisting that I don't believe that he has lost ALL feeling, I wanted to give him something to display that. rnAt the end, I am guessing that that hint could be taken in various different ways, depending on the readers thoughts on it all. I'm not sure what exactly was in my head as I wrote that part- I had various different thoughts.rnThank you much for the review.
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 31/08/07 - 11:23 pm · For: Not dead yet
Poor Deidara. :'(
I feel bad for Itachi, too... no matter how unfeeling he may seem, there is still a shred of humanity within him. He just doesn't care about it anymore. He still feels. What does he feel? Regret? Lament? None can see past the red and black.
Excellent work.
Author's Response: As I wrote most of the story I kept worrying that I had made Itachi too cold. As much as he has done horrible things, I'm still determined that he is not lost completely, so when that ending came to me I was happy to be able to give him at least some subtle feeling, something to show that through it all he is still human.rnI'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reviewing ^_^
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 31/08/07 - 07:54 pm · For: Not dead yet
That was just....Please forgive me, I'm tired so my brain isn't really processing correctly right now, though I highly doubt I could put words to this in any case, but still. I just thought it was brilliant how you didn't make is mushy gooey stuff, how you made sure that you sowed how both weren't quite ready for love and the sex was almost nothing to Itachi and just another form of pain to help relieve his other pains for Deidara. Wonderful! And then of courser the ending, giving the couple some hope for a new found relationship! I loved it! Great job, really Chiyo. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: Wow, thankyou! It's really nice to hear that you enjoyed it since I wasn't certain about whether it worked as well as I wanted it to. I didn't want it to be mushy or fluffy, or for Deidara to be comforted and recover quickly again. I wanted to keep as real as I could. I'm not sure if it was melodramatic, but I really wanted to keep the feeling and emotion there.rnI'm really glad to hear that you think I did a good job of it. Thank you much for your review! ^_^