Reviews For Mera's story 2
Name: Zoey Sohma (Signed) · Date: 27/08/07 - 12:32 pm · For: Chapters 2-9
I reviewed on the first chapter, and I have the same sujestions as before. I would also consider looking at steps to adding a chapter to a whole story. Go to 'Manage Stories', go to the story you want to work on, and click 'Add a Chapter'. I had issues with that too, but this way it will be easier on you and on your readers. Great job and keep it up! I'm cheering for you!
-Zoey Sohma
Name: Thumper (Signed) · Date: 18/08/07 - 06:35 pm · For: Chapters 2-9
Yay!!!! WOOT! 10000! XD IT'S ME, BUNNYLUV!!! XD
Author's Response: HI BUNNY!!!!