Reviews For Wolves
Name: stylin_crimson (Signed) · Date: 21/10/07 - 03:54 am · For: Chapter 2
Cool! I love this idea. Who was their father?
Author's Response: Oh y'know.... this one dude.rn
Name: Red (Anonymous) · Date: 19/09/07 - 02:23 pm · For: Prologue
Great chapter please continue
Name: puresugar13 (Signed) · Date: 04/08/07 - 11:26 pm · For: Prologue
I love werewolves so much, and this has the akatsuki in it too... so you can imagine how much I SOFA KING LOVE THIS FANFIC!!! (hehe, we did that to our L.A. teach one time near the end of school, he laughed, and then we table topped the nerd... hehe.) Love the fics, keep up the good work!
-- Ally_Monrue : I think werewolves and Akatsuki ARE sofa king awesome (i saw that on aqua teen hunger force) Thank you for the review.... i am going to try to update as soon as i can but i am supremely lazy and work slowly only when i write in my journal do things really come to me.... i wrote 1-3 of No Memories in my journal... the only chapters that are good...ish... well thanks for the review