Reviews For A Slip of Tongue
Name: Rowanashke (Signed) · Date: 07/05/08 - 11:51 am · For: A Slip of Tongue
oh, wow. I'm crying. So powerfully written, so beautiful. So very, very painful. Well done.
Name: Firesong (Signed) · Date: 24/01/08 - 03:39 pm · For: A Slip of Tongue
Nuuuuu!! *sniffles* S-so sad, yet so good!! Egh.. I have to go read something funny now =_=
Name: Usagi (Signed) · Date: 06/10/07 - 09:47 am · For: A Slip of Tongue
........I'm crying.
That made my heart hurt. You have a beautiful writing style, everything was perfect.
Author's Response: Thank you! You're very kind! I wish my writing style was perfect, but it's really not. Thank you for the compliment.
Name: zhem1x5 (Anonymous) · Date: 04/10/07 - 09:04 am · For: A Slip of Tongue
I think this made me cry more reading it this time than last. Oh, BG, you are a wonderful artist, your mastery of words continually surprises me. This is wonderful.
Name: Jessica (Anonymous) · Date: 10/09/07 - 10:43 pm · For: A Slip of Tongue
So good!
Name: kakashizgirl (Signed) · Date: 03/09/07 - 09:19 am · For: A Slip of Tongue
BTW, did I mention that I can practically hear My Immortal by Evanescense playing in the background when Kakashi returns to Konoha. So dark and sad. Beautiful. I read it over and over! Please write more more more!
Name: AbareruAkuma (Anonymous) · Date: 10/08/07 - 11:45 pm · For: A Slip of Tongue
that was really really good
thank you
-- BrucesGirl : I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for reading.
Name: kakashizgirl (Signed) · Date: 06/08/07 - 06:21 pm · For: A Slip of Tongue the best...the most beautiful I have ever read. I WEPT. You are a genius. This is unbelievable. By far the most awesome Kakashi story I have read as of yet. You nailed him and Sasuke like none other. The emotions, the way you say it. I'm freaking amazed. I worship you. I'm about to read Tenuous Grasp.
-- BrucesGirl : I hope you enjoy ATG. Yaoi_is_my_antidrug is my goddess, and there's nothing I can write that would even touch her abilities. But that story is what inspired this one shot. Thank you so much for your incredibly kind review. It's readers like you that make me want to keep writing.
Name: fanngirl_92 (Signed) · Date: 04/08/07 - 01:01 am · For: A Slip of Tongue
omg that was soo good, yet soo sad. kakashi crying! its making my eyes water. *cry*
-- BrucesGirl : You know, I made myself cry with that story. That one and Killer. I sat at the end and bawled my eyes out because I had written angst. I'm such a sap. >.> Thanks for the review! ^_^
Name: nejiluver (Signed) · Date: 04/08/07 - 01:01 am · For: A Slip of Tongue
that....was a sad story.....
-- BrucesGirl : *laughs* I'm glad you think so, since that's the way I wrote it. Thanks for the review! ^_^
Name: hanyouelf (Signed) · Date: 03/08/07 - 06:32 am · For: A Slip of Tongue
you know, you told me i wouldn't get it until after i read tenuous grasp, and i'm glad i finally got around to reading it because it just made this that much more poignant. your talent never ceases to amaze me and this piece was absolutely incredible. you did a beautiful job bringing out the love they felt for one another and the sorrow that they had to face with being forced to separate by space and time. and gods... the slip of his tongue... *weeps* this was absolutely beautiful baby. absolutely beautiful.
i love the play of emotions that pours over kakashi. he has a job to do and he's going to perform his duties, whether he wants to do so or not. he's a jounin, a tool that will be wielded by the hokage he serves. and yet, he is still human, little though he wants to be. he can not completely kill the emotions that sasuke wrought from him, both in ATG and here. you've done marvelous.
and how is it possible to forget that little bit of naruto at the end. gods, i think, honestly, that's one of the saddest parts. of course, this is filled with horribly sad parts, but the scene with naruto really sticks out to me. it's kakashi's fault he's mourning like this, and it's kakashi who comforts him. their reactions are incredibly real and heartbreaking.
and can i tell you how much i loved the way you wrote sasuke's death? now, far be it from me to say that it was beautiful because of it's poetic nature, i'm talking about the emotions that poured through it. the kakashi you wrote, the poor man you've left to linger on even after his lover and pupil has died is incredibly strong. he can continue to turn his emotions on and off at will, but eventually he will break, because he can do nothing else. and you've done an incredible job of portraying that.
an amazing job baby. amazing.
-- BrucesGirl : I love you, thank you baby.