Reviews For The Breakup Plan
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 03/08/07 - 06:39 am · For: Date plans
nice ending for this chapter
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 31/07/07 - 11:19 pm · For: Naruto's walk
KibaIno might be a good idea. They'd look pretty good together. I think it'll take some developing, though. They're not really great friends or anything. Take a stab at it if you like. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
-- Sorca5 : Hmm....maybe I could have them running into each other...oh, and kiba could... Hey, I just came up with a great idea just know. Something that will make everyone happy! I'd tell it to you, but I want to keep it a secret and anyone can read this response if they want. Anyways let's just say Kiba has a change of heart...and Sasuke doesn't come in till a bit later. Thanks for inadvertedly giving me a great idea! You rock! :-)
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 30/07/07 - 10:54 am · For: Date plans
You can have SasuSaku if you like. I mean, if Sasuke comes back after Itachi, that seems plausible. It's your story, so do whatever you feel good with.
If it's going to be SasuSaku, though, I got to say, poor Kiba... he's not going to have anybody.
-- Sorca5 : You're right! How could I forget about Kiba? But I realy had my heart set on SasuXSaku, but I also want everybody to have somebody. How about I hook him up with Ino? I think it may work. Anyways, thanks for reviewing. Yours are especially helpful! :-)
Name: Wren9 (Anonymous) · Date: 24/07/07 - 09:36 pm · For: Naruto's walk
SWEET i really like this a lot
-- Sorca5 : You like it that much? Sweet, it's great to know I'm a decent writer.
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 24/07/07 - 09:21 pm · For: Naruto's walk
man life is good and lets see what happens next very good you are evil somewhat although you are quite sane i should fix that about you watch naruto the abriged series that should do it
-- Sorca5 : What's Naruto the abridged series? And thanks for reviewing. You've been along from the begginig, right?
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 24/07/07 - 07:21 pm · For: Naruto's walk
Hehehe... this is getting interesting. Itachi and Kisame in the mix, huh? Ahh... excellent. Are you going to use my idea about Kiba getting together with Sakura, or are you ready to attempt a bit of ItaSaku? Either way, it'll be pretty nice. I, myself, would go with KibaSaku, though. However, after all, this is your story, so you reserve the right to make all the decisions. Keep up the good work.
-- Sorca5 : I wasn't really going to do any ItaXSaku, I wanted to do KibaXSaku, but then thought, what if I did the classic SasuXSaku? I think I can pull it off, tell me what you think.