Reviews For Shadows Across Her Feet
Name: Lamerstu (Signed) · Date: 01/08/07 - 09:16 pm · For: ugly little dead-fish-belly-feet
It's not that bad! I like the whole "feet-shadow" theme. I like the way you interpret Hanabi. Well, you did kill everyone... hehe. ^_^
-- Archaic Aphorism : Hee hee, I know! You'll find that I do that a lot (killing everybody, I mean) Especially members of Team Gai. I really love them, I do, I just... have strange ways of showing affection -_-'
Name: DancerOfShadows (Signed) · Date: 24/07/07 - 07:43 pm · For: ugly little dead-fish-belly-feet
You need more faith in your writing- it's really interesting. I haven't seen many Hanabi-centric stuff. The 'dead-fish-belly-feet' phrase is very imaginative (though the first time I read it, I imagined Hanabi with dead fish as feet. XD).
I'd read more of your stuff, but I don't read yaoi. :
-- Archaic Aphorism : I understand completely. I actually wasn't expecting you to read any of my stuff, so this is a pleasant surprise. Thanks for reviewing.
Name: niveaus (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 12:16 pm · For: ugly little dead-fish-belly-feet
No, the theme thing worked well too, the recurring feet description and the shadows especially (I had themes drilled into me in school too). It's just a personal squeamishness about, not feet, but specifically pale feet. But as I say, it emphasised to me how unpleasant her feet/stepping out was for her.
I'm so glad I saved it! If nothing else, it's good to have some Hanabi-centric stories on here.
-- Archaic Aphorism : Yay! Mission: themes, success!
Name: niveaus (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 08:28 am · For: ugly little dead-fish-belly-feet
Hey, it wasn't that bad! At least it was an original idea, Hanabi-centric for a change, and a realistic future for her. And it's well written. In fact, I don't know what you think is bad about it... It's a drabble after all, it's meant to just be an expression of one small idea...
I liked it anyway, except perhaps the slightly too vivid description of her feet. Pale dead-fish-belly... well it gets the point across!
-- Archaic Aphorism : Wow... you totally just saved this fic, because I was just coming here to get rid of it. I said to myself, "If no-one has reviewed, I wil toss it out." I'm glad you liked it... although it's a funny twist of fate that the fics I like less are the ones that others tend to like more. Although... I was reading it again and you're right, it's not as god-awful as I though (I might need to change the AN) but... eh. Still not liking it too much. Sorry about the feet.It was me (mis)remembering a lesson my english teacher taught once: always have a theme in your stories! Thus, since she has said it, I tend to (slightly, ever so slightly) obsess over crunching as many themes into my stories as possible. Hence the shadows and feet...