The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Hinata's Change

Name: Ultimate NaruHina Fanboy (Signed) · Date: 09/06/12 - 11:41 pm · For: Chapter 18: Luv Lost
come on naruto!rinnegan hiashi's ass!

Name: dragonfire (Signed) · Date: 17/08/10 - 10:41 am · For: Chapter 23: Public secret
exellent job at it. waiting for the next. do not desapoint.

Name: Dragonwarrior (Signed) · Date: 07/11/09 - 11:16 am · For: Chapter 23: Public secret
finish it please!!!

Name: eldertensa (Signed) · Date: 08/08/09 - 01:07 pm · For: Chapter 23: Public secret
That was great!

Name: eldertensa (Signed) · Date: 07/08/09 - 08:53 pm · For: Chapter 10: Sweet Converstaion
Go NaruHina, they are my favorite pairing!

Name: Inner Hinata (Signed) · Date: 07/02/09 - 06:41 am · For: Chapter 1: Invited
finish this god damn story already stylji!!!! ^_^

Name: ayala65 (Signed) · Date: 05/01/09 - 05:25 pm · For: Chapter 23: Public secret
i really like the story so far and cant wait to read more

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 07:43 pm · For: Chapter 23: Public secret
bad sakura! dont read other peoples mail! but i guess it was for the best^_^ operation rescue and reunite hinata and naruto increases to 100%!

Author's Response: 110!!!!! Alright!!!

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 07:41 pm · For: Chapter 22: The identity of the person
a little smile snuck its way on my face when he said cousin. it will be funny if hinata and naruto pass eachother without noticing xD

Author's Response: hahahahaha! I know

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 07:37 pm · For: Chapter 21: Family Reunion
wow! short chapter, hmm. i guess neji has feelings too

Author's Response: indeed!!!

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 07:36 pm · For: Chapter 20: Journey

Author's Response: YEAH!!!!!! LOL

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 07:33 pm · For: Chapter 19: Life Without You
okay . . . . . the ending made me a little more happy.

Author's Response: yay! thats progress!

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 07:28 pm · For: Chapter 18: Luv Lost
. . . . . . o. . . .damn. . .i got nothing to say

Author's Response: right???

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 07:22 pm · For: Chapter 17: Love SIck
. . . . . .o that is just not right, i didnt know a clan can just move away, so hiashi rather weaken the villiage then let his daughter be happy? thats just wrong

Author's Response: right!??? And I dont think a clan can move...oh well, hes such an asshole and thats all that matters

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 07:13 pm · For: Chapter 16: BIrthday Blues
yay, naruto's birthday. i nearly fell off my bed when naruto attacked neji with a hug . . . . by the way what is the hyuga symbol? >_> hidden sound villiage?! this mission isnt going to be pretty

Author's Response: lol The Hyuuga symbol is that stupid little logo on Hinatas shoulder!!!Ahh the sound village...mmmm ^_^

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 07:04 pm · For: Chapter 15: Lay WIth Me Naruto
okay, few things i learned in this chapeter. 1. dont get hinata drunk. 2. kiba is a good guy after all. 3. neji is a confusing person, first he is angry, then he is simpothatic. what the heck! nice/funny chapter

Author's Response: 1. Indded 2. Hmmm... and 3. Damn right! What the hell is he on???rnXD thanks!!!

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 06:51 pm · For: Chapter 14: Fatal Mistake
haha, temari got hinata drunk^_^ i liked how naruto gave that present to hinata and that moment they shared, nicley written

Author's Response: thanks!!! I blushed the whole time I wrote that part!!!! Poor Hinata...shes crazy in the next chapter

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 06:42 pm · For: Chapter 13: Sand Village Inn, Who's My Roommate?
HA! love the pairings for the rooms, sakura and ino i was wxpecting one of them be paired with sasuke and they fought bout that, nice chapter

Author's Response: lol I didn't want to be cliche so i just threw them together

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 06:36 pm · For: Chapter 12: Night Walk
LOVED the ending of the chapter!! o man, A LOT of jealosy in this chapter, i wonder what is going to happen

Author's Response: jealousy!!!! And thanks again!!!!!!!!!

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 06:33 pm · For: Chapter 11: Unintentional heartbreak
thats nice, kiba said he was sorry, naruto is getting a birthday party in the sand, and naruto asked tsunade for his present, o and naruto is having feelings for hinata, nice.

Author's Response: how sweet..this chapter was all around really cute...

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 06:23 pm · For: Chapter 10: Sweet Converstaion
HAHAHAHAHAHHHA! I NEARLY BUSTED A GUT ON WHAT KAKASHI SAID. on what he doesnt want to hear bout hiashi AHAHAHAHHAHA, this has to be my fav chapter so far

Author's Response: lol, Hes like a father! Lord forbid Hinata get pregnant...

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 06:19 pm · For: Chapter 9: Back off! Chick fight!
woah. . . . . new side of hinata?!. . . . . . .woah.

Author's Response: indeed...she was crazy pissed

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 06:15 pm · For: Chapter 8: Bad Naruto, Bad Neji, Down Boys!
HA, neji got his ass handed to him AND told off by hinata!! and hinata finished naruto sentence heh, things dont get any better than this^______^

Author's Response: LOL! Yeah he did...thats really funny to me the way you worded it! Nope they sure dont! ^_^^_^_^_^_^^_^^_^_^_^_^^_^_^!!!

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 06:09 pm · For: Chapter 7: Meeting in private, busted!
woah, one minute they hang out to go shopping, the next they are hanging out to improve hinata's confidence?! did i miss something? anyway, im glad it is happening, hinata should just punch neji and work together with naruto to beat the crap out of him!!!

Author's Response: lol,you gotta read the chapter before this one. The original chapter got erased so I had to sum it up for the people who didn't read it SORRY -__-

Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/08 - 06:01 pm · For: Chapter 5: Caught up!
DAMN NEJI! ruined my good mood, humph, i guess sakura WAS kidding bout neji, but i wished naruto did cuss him out, dang you shikamaru.

Author's Response: Right! Neji ruined everything but Narutos smile was really funny. Yea...She was XD I know but I couldnt let him cuss Neji out yet because I needed the readers to build up animosity towards him so when Naruto does go off, its crazy dramatic!!!

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