Reviews For Learning to Dance In the Rain
Name: Hitori-kun (Anonymous) · Date: 12/01/08 - 08:39 am · For: Learning to Dance In the Rain
Name: KibaxHinaluvr (Signed) · Date: 13/08/07 - 10:42 am · For: Learning to Dance In the Rain
oh my gosh!!! you write such good Kiba Hinata!! *squeel!!* yeah, Kiba and Hinata are such a different pair they have more storylines than Naruto and Hinata. *nods wisely* great, great wonderful job!!
-- A Vampires Butterfly : Thank you! I'm glad you like it! And yeah, I like Kiba and Hinata a lot better than Naruto and Hinata. Glad you liked it! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: milliexchan (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 10:26 am · For: Learning to Dance In the Rain
aw, this story was so sweet. and really well written. i liked the idea a lot. and kibaxhina is my favourite couple!
-- A Vampires Butterfly : Thank you! I'm happy to hear/read you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: aniki keyonoshee (Signed) · Date: 05/07/07 - 07:36 am · For: Learning to Dance In the Rain
awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! so cute! i would like it if you did more het ^^
-- A Vampires Butterfly : Thank you! Yeah, I know you would. *sweat drop* I guess I will, maybe some Tenten Neji next since they don't get much love. Thanks for reading and reviewing! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: Blurble (Signed) · Date: 03/07/07 - 03:46 pm · For: Learning to Dance In the Rain
It was so adorable, and now you make me want to give Kiba a hug. Excellent work, as usual, Violet. You're definitely one of my favorite authors on this site.
-- A Vampires Butterfly : Thank you! Yeah, Kiba is just too cute! He would probably be my dream guy if he was real or Lee...*sighs* Anyhoo! *blushes* Thank you very much! Seriously it is all going to my head...*rubs head sweat dropping* Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: narutoartlover (Signed) · Date: 03/07/07 - 03:29 pm · For: Learning to Dance In the Rain
thats was sweet. and so fluffy i think my teeth are rotting out and i dont need that with braces. also naruxhina dosent follow the same story look at mine. look at 'i'll never let go' by pheonixclaw. also im thinking of writng a naruxino and kibaxhina soon so look out for that.
-- A Vampires Butterfly : Thanks. A lot of NaruHina follow the same plot line, just with different situations. I will. Thanks for reading and reviewing! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^