Reviews For betrayal runs deep
Name: my_last_account_brokeded (Signed) · Date: 30/08/07 - 08:32 pm · For: Chapter 1: graduation, and team assignments
hey dude, this is a really good fic. i like ur idea for the konpaku shintai. its actually like what ninja are suppposed to be able to do. just a quick question: is this gonna be all about ur oc's or are you gonna include some of the other naruto chars? keep up the good work and up date soon : )
Author's Response: thanks alot, im glad because this is my first fic and all. oh, and to answer your question, yes, in either the second or third chapter, you'll see a few favorites from the naruto cast, and just so you guys know, this story was supposed to be action and romance, just im not good with picking the subject, but thanks again