Reviews For OOC Theater
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 09:18 pm · For: SCHAAAADENFREUDEEEE!!
LOL That mad sense with naruto and Gaara. xD
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 09:12 pm · For: It Sucks to Be Me! T_T
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 09:08 pm · For: I'll Cover You
Wow...that was creepy...but funny!
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 09:02 pm · For: La Vie Boheeeeeme...
LOL That was long!
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:56 pm · For: La Vie Boheeeeeme...
*holds head* I was so close to getting that one....but ya lost me...Still wuved it! Hehehe all of them were so drunk! I'm off to read more and hopefully understand it! Though I'm a yaoi fangirl and still no yaoi...oh well, not every fic needs it right? With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: I don't remember which chapter it was where I said it, but I will take suggestions. I know lots of people like yaoi, so I'm willing to write it if someone asks. XD There will probably be some in the future. Don't know if you count OroKabu, though. XD
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:50 pm · For: Status Quo my ass.
I thought you said Sakura wasn't the girl. >_< And why is Naruto the evil side kick? Nuuuu!
Author's Response: Did I? Sorry if I did. XD I probably wasn't thinking straight, obviously. My apologies.
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:48 pm · For: Status Quo my ass.
*gasps* No! Please don't tell me Sakura is Gabie or whatever her name was...*dies* *comes back to life* Oh what do I care? This song was the only one I sort of liked! And I loved how you did it! Tenten makes a cool dancing nerd. I'm so off to read more! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:44 pm · For: HSM...? Why?!
Oh my god! That is hilarious! This is the other musical I have seen, not really proud to say that though, I really didn't like it. The only song I liked was Stick to the Stasis Quo or something like that...Poor Sasuke! And of course he doesn't want to be with Sakura. *nods* So hate that couple. Once again I'm off to read more! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:43 pm · For: HSM...? Why?!
If it wasn't Sakura then who? *Leans over to hear*
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:40 pm · For: Take Me or Leave Me
*giggles* You go girl! And Naru-chan! *giggles again* That was so random...I so need to see this seems awesome! The only musical I have ever seen is Phantom of the Opera. I know that whole thing by heart! I'm off to read more! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:39 pm · For: Take Me or Leave Me
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:36 pm · For: Santa Fe!
I got that one too!!! *nibbles cookie as a reward* I'm super proud of myself! *cough* yeah I'm that kind of loser...Still I have a lot to read and little time to do so, so byez for now! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:33 pm · For: Santa Fe!
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:32 pm · For: WE'RE NOT GONNA PAY! ... Right?
*jumps up and down really fast* I think I got that one *pats her own back* I feel so proud of myself...*cough* Anyhoo so loved this one, with Sasuke and Naruto singing some sort of duet and Ino yelling at the phone. I'm off to read more since your posting them at like five a minute *ish dizzy* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:28 pm · For: WE'RE NOT GONNA PAY! ... Right?
I'm listening to the song while reading the fanfic. It's very amusing! xD
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:17 pm · For: Light My Candle?
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 10/06/07 - 08:07 pm · For: Light My Candle?
*blinks, wondering if she read it again it would make sense* Huh? I don't get it...Am I an idiot or what? *cough* Anyhoo it is funny, just a bit confusing for me, probably cause I haven't seen the musical...oh well keep it up and maybe I will get it...With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: Yes, these will seem really odd if you haven't seen the musical. XD Kudos to you for trying, though. Thanks!