Reviews For The King And The Princess
Name: KyuubiXNarutoRULES (Anonymous) · Date: 09/06/07 - 06:28 pm · For: Chapter 3
Seems like you rushed this chapter? I couldn't really get into it like your previous ones, its a good plot and whatnot just not too many details.
And awwww I love Itachi's reply in his head 'you're my first love' That was cute!
Author's Response: Yeah, I did rush a bit because my sister wanted to get on and I wanted a third chapter. >.< Thankies!! I tried to think of something cute for Itachi but that was all I could think of.. besides 'you're my bishie' but thats not very cute >.< ....
Name: KyuubiXNarutoRULES (Anonymous) · Date: 09/06/07 - 06:23 pm · For: Chapter 2
Aw great chapter...poor wittle Itachi is sick
*hands him blanket and pulls back arm with no hand*...*blinks* well fuck you to buddy!
Yeah well anywho I like how Itachi can admit that he needs Kisame and Tenten, not something he would really do but you can pull this kinda Itachi off without making him look like a little punk!
Kudos to you!
Author's Response: Thanks! *starts searching for your hand* hmm.. I thought it would be in his stomach.. oops.. *dies* I WAS SETTING A RECORD, ITACHI!! Thanks for the review!! It's kind of hard for me to make him seem nice, but then he turns back to a.. hmm.. bastard.. yeah. ^_^ Anyways, thanks for the review again!
Name: KyuubiXNarutoRULES (Anonymous) · Date: 08/06/07 - 03:53 pm · For: Chapter 1
This story is awesome!
Oh man just can't wait for an update! (dont rush yourself though)
Author's Response: In the second chapter I'm planning on having a little ShikaxLee.. MWAUHAHAHAHA! *gets hit on head* Hey, at least I didn't die!! I won't rush myself! I'll just write at my own pace! Yeah, but if I have some sugar then I might be going a little fast O.O
Name: KyuubiXNarutoRULES (Anonymous) · Date: 08/06/07 - 03:47 pm · For: Chapter 1
*squeals* haven't read it yet but I will
*instantly loves you*