The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: nick the pervy punk (Signed) · Date: 17/09/07 - 06:07 pm · For: A surpriseing night
okay first things first............................................................eeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some of the things that u write bout r just wrong 2 me. no afense sorry
thought i think its okay =3

Author's Response: *cries* your so mean nick. *glares* I'll remember that in art class. *laughs evilly*

Name: nejiluver (Signed) · Date: 01/09/07 - 12:58 am · For: A surpriseing night
OH MY GOD!!!!! *squels* u have to update really soon!!!!! XD XD

Author's Response: I will. I'm actually working on it right now.

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 31/08/07 - 03:55 am · For: A surpriseing night
love it can't wait until next chapter

Author's Response: THank you, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the review!

Name: lovefantasystuff (Signed) · Date: 31/08/07 - 03:28 am · For: A surpriseing night
i so did not see that comming my god i must be stupid lol!
that was so well written well done
update soon please

Author's Response: Yeah well, your not stupid. I didn't want it to seem obvious that he was going to ask him to marry him. I wanted it to be just as much of a surprise to you, as it was to Naruto. Thanks for the review!

Name: lovefantasystuff (Signed) · Date: 20/07/07 - 01:36 am · For: Scared
this is hell of a gd
some nice changes
well done

-- emogirlS2 : Thank you so very much. I really appreshiate that.

Name: lovefantasystuff (Signed) · Date: 09/07/07 - 02:32 am · For: Naruto's Surprise
awwww i love the fox!!!
yay moving in together i wonder wat will go wrong??

-- emogirlS2 : You'll have to wait and see.

Name: suzieuchiha (Signed) · Date: 08/07/07 - 01:47 pm · For: Throw a party?
KAWAI!!! aw so cute! i shall now read on!

-- emogirlS2 : Thank you. And please do read on.

Name: XxSasukeLovexX (Signed) · Date: 08/07/07 - 01:44 pm · For: Naruto's Surprise
Noooo they must last forever!! Awww I dont want them to be sad! I love this story, please write the next chapter soon! =]

-- emogirlS2 : I will right the mext chapter very soon. Thanks for reviewing.

Name: nick the pervy punk (Signed) · Date: 07/07/07 - 08:26 pm · For: Bursting In
holy shit!!! that would have been funny to have naruto talk to takuni naked/ and kat busting in. i can just imagen her in a chibi form with bigass eyes and a sycotic grin on her face, with blush marks and everyting roflol

-- emogirlS2 : Kat says that you are making her sulk right now. But it is so true.

Name: nick the pervy punk (Signed) · Date: 07/07/07 - 08:23 pm · For: Ditching the Party
eeww, i would have never expected something like that from u. all that time in school and u turn out just like me/ exept in my place its yuri not yoai/i think that u should stop listening to me

-- emogirlS2 : You want me to stop listening to you? Why?

Name: angelgirl555 (Signed) · Date: 19/06/07 - 08:49 am · For: Ditching the Party
That was some YAOI!

-- emogirlS2 : Thank you.

Name: puresugar13 (Signed) · Date: 18/06/07 - 07:46 pm · For: Scared
You suck! Put up a new chapter already dessi... please *on knees and begging* Please~~~~~~~!!!!! T.T

-- emogirlS2 : Don't feel like it right now.

-- puresugar13 : You suck tennis balls then *pouts* If you don't put up a new chapter soon *reveales tied up Sasuke* I'll set Syreeta's goals on playing russian roulet with Sasuke, thereby blowing his brqins out so there will be no more SasuNaru because Sasuke won't exist *nods* ;P

Name: XxSasukeLovexX (Signed) · Date: 13/06/07 - 03:58 pm · For: Getting Ready for the Party
Awww i love this story sooo much! cant wait for the next chapter ^^

Author's Response: Thank you. I'll probably update later today or tomorrow.

Name: nick the pervy punk (Signed) · Date: 06/06/07 - 09:46 pm · For: Invite
u stupid bitch!!! u should see how im frickin reacting about gay gaara and neji, bad couple by the way!!!! holy shit gay OC's damn wat wrong wit u. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. my story's gonna better, with no spelling mistakes lol. tell ya the name when i finish 1 or 2 chapts. c ya

Author's Response: I am not a supid bitch! I find that very hurtful nick. Bastard

Name: XxSasukeLovexX (Signed) · Date: 06/06/07 - 07:39 pm · For: Invite
I love this story sooo much! ahh it's soo cute. I love it! keep up the good work =]

-- emogirlS2 : Thank you very much. Thanks for reviewing.

Name: nejiluver (Signed) · Date: 04/06/07 - 06:28 pm · For: Invite
i think u did really good on the story so far! u should continue writting the story!

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I didn't think I was doing all that great. But I'm glad that you liked it. And I'll keep writting it.

Name: nejiluver (Signed) · Date: 04/06/07 - 06:28 pm · For: Invite
i think u did really good on the story so far! u should continue writting the story!

Name: puresugar13 (Signed) · Date: 04/06/07 - 05:41 pm · For: Invite
So I come up as the hyper crazy one... Awesome! You better put something about me fighting with my inner self/demon/muse: Usagi!

Name: XxSasukeLovexX (Signed) · Date: 01/06/07 - 06:31 pm · For: Throw a party?
I love this story soo much. haha Sakura got hit in the face xD update soon =]

Author's Response: I know, that's my favorite part too. Sorry it took so long to respond. I'm normally faster. But i went to see shrek 3.

Name: nick the pervy punk (Signed) · Date: 30/05/07 - 07:53 am · For: Throw a party?
gay itachi? what the fuck is wrong wit u! and sakura telling sasuke wat 2 do. man u is fuck up like eva. by the way kisame and itachi oooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmffffffffffffffffffffffggggggggggg. update sos i can reads it aight. by the way u miss spelled again ddd

Author's Response: it's good to hear from you. Sorry i didn't respond faster. My computer would not let me log on. As you can see, I changed the story. And yes Itachi and Kisame are dating. oh, since I erased the other story, I lost your number. So give me your number. And call me as soon as you get this. 972-461-2635 469-734-4232

Name: Gcbella19 (Signed) · Date: 30/05/07 - 01:34 am · For: A New Couple
AWWWW me love this story. so cute and sweet

-- emogirlS2 : Thanks, I love it too.

Name: puresugar13 (Signed) · Date: 29/05/07 - 08:50 pm · For: Throw a party?
Hey dessi, when are we going to come into this? ^.^

Author's Response: When Itachi throws the party. That will be either the next chapter or the one after that. Send me a review if your still on.

Name: i_lurve_pocky (Signed) · Date: 26/05/07 - 08:02 pm · For: Sasuke's Confession
i like keep updating!! :]

Author's Response: You got it. I'll try to update everyday this summer. Glad you liked it.

Name: Holy Angel Sakura (Signed) · Date: 26/05/07 - 05:44 am · For: Scared
please Update Soon!!

Author's Response: I'll update very soon. Glad you liked it.

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