Reviews For Naruto Games
Name: tobisgurl (Signed) · Date: 20/07/07 - 06:36 pm · For: truth or dare!!!!
sweet. lolz. CINNAMON ROLL!!!!!!!
-- Shikitoka Proto : thnx. ME 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: xXShikaLoverXx (Anonymous) · Date: 18/07/07 - 06:24 pm · For: truth or dare!!!!
Naurto should say soemthing like "I don't believe it!"
heh....irony. ^_^
-- Shikitoka Proto : Hmmmm. Me likey.
Name: xXShikaLoverXx (Anonymous) · Date: 18/07/07 - 06:23 pm · For: The kidnapping
lol How about...ner...I have no ideas, but maybe life-threatening situations? ^_^ Have fun with that
-- Shikitoka Proto : i will!
Name: puresugar13 (Signed) · Date: 17/07/07 - 06:45 pm · For: The kidnapping
OMG! You should have them play monopoly, and have two of them not let anyone quit until one perso wins, and have them go crazy and launch marshmollows at each other... sorry, I had soda!
-- Shikitoka Proto : O_o i can see that lol.WILL DO!!!!
Name: rasengan_welch (Signed) · Date: 15/07/07 - 03:32 pm · For: The kidnapping
hmm......tenten i dare you to kiss naruto on the lips.AND ENJOY IT! or else *pulls out rocket launcher* don't make me use this..
-- Shikitoka Proto : O-o
Name: kisamerulez (Signed) · Date: 12/06/07 - 05:02 pm · For: The kidnapping
hi im the guy who wrote blue meets purple that you reviewed thx so much for the complement your story... well it was even shorter then mine it waspretty funny though
-- Shikitoka Proto : So thats why that name sounds familiar! Your welcome! Thnx^,`^
Name: baxter54132 (Signed) · Date: 23/05/07 - 11:47 am · For: The kidnapping
... save the bees. Have Kiba give Akamaru a bath. Shino should use bug spray on himself. Shikimaru should have to tell every one who he likes.
Author's Response: 0-0........okay.....that will probably be 4 the truth or dare chapter. Send in the dares peoples!!!!!
Name: dehaloking (Signed) · Date: 23/05/07 - 03:50 am · For: The kidnapping
have them play naruto ultimate ninja 4 the irony of it
Author's Response: that would be ironic, wouldn't it? I'm adding that 2 my game bucket.
Name: Dark_Busta (Signed) · Date: 22/05/07 - 03:33 pm · For: The kidnapping
hey if you want a game make them play russian roulette
Author's Response: oh yah I 4 got about that. This is gonna be fun...