Reviews For Naruto's talk show
Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 10/12/07 - 07:38 pm · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
*sniff*.... *sniffle* .....*sneeze* i mean *sob* O.O you havent updated in sooo long! and this is about the worst cliffy in all of time!!! the fox suite was so CUU~UUTE! AND I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! foxy-sensei you are the only one that can reduce me to whining TT-TT i can understand about school and such but can you not just make one little trip to the little writers room? pweeee~ase! this is such a terrible cliffhanger! it has me teetering in my seat! and the idea of this chapter is awesome ^-^ its so heart wrenching that bitch did that to our naru and sasu-chan! i HATE you bitch! i loath you and detest you! im am going to get a voodo doll and as soon as i have all the yaoi fangirls (like myself) get done with you i will have MY revenge as well! but no we will no let you die we will find all the cruel ways to have you suffer as long as yaoi fangirls exist! that said (and it was long overdue) i have to say that you are quite the awe spiring you authoress! thank you for making such a wonderful fanfic for us all to enjoy! and i hope that you continue soon! (or we might have to do with you what we will do to bitch) ^-^ but you didnt hear it from me! i hope that you continue to write with the enthusiasm that you have always showed through your writing! (too much like lee, ne?) thank you so much! ~lemon
Author's Response: I'm sorry! (Did you know that your name always reminds me of Lemony Snicket. Sorry, that was random.) Its Winter vacation so i have all the time I can now...its just. A lots been happening. BUT I PROMISE YOU! I WILL HAVE THAT CHAPTER UP! SHANNARO, YOSH, DATTEYBAYO, BELIEVE IT, HN, TROUBLESOME, CHA, FATE ROCKS, YOUTH, AND OTHER RANDOM SAYINGS FROM NARUTO CHARACTERS! Okay, cap locks off. HEEEEEHHH! This review was from last wednesday! Gomen! I will have the chapter up today, okay!? Thank you for keep on believing in me. I am so motivated now! Like seriously! Get your asses in here Naruto folks, cause I'm back!rnNaruto peeps: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!rnMe: YEAAAHHH!!!rnNaruto peeps: Damn you lemonlover! rnThank you lemonlover! ^^
Name: rasengan_welch (Signed) · Date: 02/12/07 - 12:07 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
You ever read 'The Loss Of Naruto?' It's definetely one to get into the tens.When you read it,tell others about it.Oh,and promise me you won't cry,ok?
Author's Response: The loss of Naruto? I haven't read it yet but i will. Is it that sad? Damn.
Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 24/11/07 - 02:55 pm · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
were is the new chapter
Author's Response: Up your ass, you should go check. -__- (lol that was kinda funny. ^^)
Name: rasengan_welch (Signed) · Date: 22/11/07 - 06:45 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
You know,Megs? I'm kind of into yaoi now.Thanks to you,I'm interested in what'll happen to Naruto.Keep writing.I'll try to wait for the next chapter...try..
Author's Response: You are!? Thats wonderful, even if you are a guy. xD I'm working on that chapter right now. (My adapter was fixed. Yay!)
Name: Fangurl4ever (Signed) · Date: 09/11/07 - 03:42 pm · For: Chapter 12 Yaoi
i would've died giggling at those pics....... o..yaoi... how did i ever live without you!!!!
Author's Response: I don't know...O_o...but sorry if I'm not updating as much.
Name: Fangurl4ever (Signed) · Date: 20/10/07 - 09:39 am · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
OMG this turned me into a yaoi fangirl wooo yaoi!!!
Author's Response: Omg it did! HAHAHAHA! I'm so happy! Another yaoi fangirl, what makes the world go round!rnSasuke and Naruto: NOOOOO!!!!rnYESSSSS!!! Thanks for reading. I apologize if I don't update in a REALLY long time.
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 26/09/07 - 04:39 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
well i think i can trust you so i'll let you on a little secret a certain story *coughs*strangest*coughs again*couples one*coughs even more*shots.
might be returning.
but you didnt here it from me and dont tell anyone after your reply i will delte this
Author's Response: Yay? @_@
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 18/09/07 - 02:45 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
therefore its not a weakness and rasengan_welch what are you talking about and its mostly the reviews, you know the topics. she writes what she has to go on.
Author's Response: ...what?
Name: rasengan_welch (Signed) · Date: 16/09/07 - 08:03 pm · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
mmm..i don't know,i think you're starting to lose your touch.The first few chapters were hilarious.but now,eh..
Author's Response: Thanks for the compliment. -__-; Well sorry I'm having metal issues and depressing mood swings. Sheesh. T_T I'm just trying, okay? >_<
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 16/09/07 - 06:52 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
yeah your fogetting out of every fan fic or site i've seen im the only ones whos actualy wrote it. So i may have the only copy of saruxnaru in the world. and how are you going to use that on me if i wrote it im imune to it plus i dont really have to read it if post it so a yeah.
Author's Response: Point?
Name: Leafbeast (Anonymous) · Date: 14/09/07 - 11:15 pm · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2 furry...well as long as he is with hinata!make it happen!
Author's Response: Nuuuu!!! Never! No offense but if you haven't read the entire story than you would know...that Naruto is gay. Yep...uh-huh. Totally. ^_^
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 14/09/07 - 03:40 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
i also said wetpaint and i only have 2 fears wich are mt they are glass porcelain dolls and when someone get hurt because i vowed to protect everyone. i know that doesnt sound like me but its sort of a secret.
Author's Response: Muhahahah! Now I know more of your secrets! But there is still one more....the horriblness of SARUNARU! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!! Did you know that Sarutobi's first name is Sasuke. So if we used Sarutobi's real name than it would be SasuNaru...SCARY ISN'T IT! How could we tell which Sasuke we were really using all this time?! AHHHHHHH!!!
Name: naruto (Anonymous) · Date: 14/09/07 - 02:01 am · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
plz plz plz make another chap that was so cool end with good stuff like susuke hits jackpot
Author's Response: Thanks! lol ^_^
Name: naruto (Anonymous) · Date: 14/09/07 - 12:09 am · For: Chapter 24 Dealing with Fangirls
how do you post in a topic thanx
Author's Response: You just tell me it in your review.
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 13/09/07 - 05:43 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
well i live in ohio and a okay go to zoomshare or wetpaint to make a website. and well i know your weakness yaoi graphic lemon. i wouldn't be surprised if you star a yaoi picture of sasuke and naruto. actualy i would but if you did find one thats exactly what you would do so before you kill me for any reason i have the power of sasunaru. sauke dies naruto cries you say whys.
Author's Response: Oh your just pure evil....well i have your weakness as well...and you don't know it...muhahaha!!!!! *Ack! cough cough* ....anyway...zoomshare huh? But I want www.(something).com not www.(something)
Name: gaara_nara_sasuke (Signed) · Date: 13/09/07 - 03:03 pm · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
OMG!! I'm a long time reader, first time viewer and I LOVE SASUNARU!! I can't wait for the next chapter!! And I also have a topic idea... NARUTO SHIPPUUDEN!! WOOT!! Or if you're not into Shippuuden, how about the jounin of naruto? You know, Kakashi Asuma Kurenai and Gai? That'd be cool. Anyway... do you have msn? Or gaia? Or both?
Author's Response: Shippuuden is already a topic, i think...yeah it is. But I will do the Jounins. xD It will take a while since I have like 14 topics to do already. I apologize if it is late. ^_^ WHOO! A SasuNaru fan! *highfives* It brings tears to my eyes when someone says those words. *sniff* rnI have Yahoo...gaia?
Name: gothamking (Anonymous) · Date: 13/09/07 - 12:28 pm · For: Chapter 17 Ino/Saku Part 2
n_n o_o T_T -_- wow lmao i like that chapter make more plz n_n n_n
Author's Response: Thanks. lol
Name: Lamerstu (Signed) · Date: 13/09/07 - 04:11 am · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
*reads your reply to my review* O_O WHAT?! *gasps* I AM NOT THE AMAZING AUTHOR OF "Love me, my Brother"!!! I think you got our pennames mixed up... Lunaryu-sama wrote that wonderful story, I am just a new author trying hard to write good stories. Sorry for the waste of a review, but I just HAD to clarify that.
Author's Response: Oh yeah your not. Lemme think....but you still made that one story! I loved it as well! lol Sorry, I have mental memory problems. Hope your not offended. I tend to do that to many people here. ^_^ I still pretty much think your better than me here.
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 12/09/07 - 07:58 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
sorry it either i freeze to death or go to sleep. but i'll beack later and how do you expect me to type with frozen fingers.
Author's Response: Where do you live? In Alaska or something. Drink some hot cocoa.
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 12/09/07 - 07:53 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
for one why are you asking about websites yeah i've made a few but what ever. and stop drooling over my work, and for one i made that up at the top of my head as usual like what im doing now, anyways what do mean more oh my god yaoi overdose
Author's Response: NOOO!! I'm not crazy! I just have...drooling problems! Yeah, thats it! Drooling problems...heh...and I want to make a website! Can you help meh?
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 12/09/07 - 07:12 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
thanks i didn't expect my first true yaoi stoy to be so good. and it was fun to write again and yeah i already read the challenge. oh and i sent my little brother there with a pitchfork. hey waht di- you know what never mind )Yeah i dont have a brother but if i did you can have him now but i need him dry cleaned for sunday) im asleep basicaly. it's freezing
Author's Response: YAY! I always wanted a brother! But holy shit! *runs away* NUUUUU! I NEED TO LIVE!rnI'm tired as well. Hey, how do I make my own website?rnYour Yaoi is good. I want to hear the whole story and more!
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 12/09/07 - 06:43 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
wait are inanimate objects canbeat sasuke, wait his one weakness the log his darkest secret.muhahaha yeah and it was just this bitter coldness that gave me a nosebleed. but i'll let you know if your story does. but no story has yet so sorry but theres still time. anyways i didnt say it wasn't special i said i expected from your last update. but again i must emit is was cute. and i have a wicked imagination so i somehow picture all this going on in the back of my head while i read. hey i just had i a idea nevermind. anyways im not sure if i told you but i'm giving a selct few the oppurtunity to read my most delicous stories ever so email me at
heres a sample and since you like yaoi i'll do a special sample of yaoi, this going to be hard. for ovious reasons. sorry if this isnt that great but its just a sample. so well im not used to this oh well.
Naruto cluthced at the sheets as sasuke rammed into him, earning a gasp and moan every pump. naruto's sweat glazed body glistend from the moonlight of the open window. Sasukesoaked in Naruto 's body as he pushed his own deeply into Naruto one last time before they both fell, exhausted. Naruto's damp hair clung to his face. And Sasuke's still barley awke smirked and smoothed it out of the way.
sorry if isn't any good it my first like real yaoi i wasn't forced to write. and dont think i forgot about the sarutobi thing. well let me know on whatever
Author's Response: O_o...I'm sorry...I forgot what you said I was too busy cleaning my nose from that AWESOME SHORT PEICE YOU WROTE!!! OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!! *nosebleeds again* ...sorry...what were you saying, let me read again....hmmmm...hmmmmm...hell yeah they can beat Sasuke's ass...hmmmm...hmmm...Cha I would read! the Sarutobi thing! xD I feel bad about that. Everyone's poor mind was abused by that couple. It was my fault. I'm surprised no one showed up at my house with a pitchfork yet. rnAnyway! Theres a challenge I have for Naruto's talk show. Read the next chapter for "What do you want" By me. You'll understand. I'm sending an e-mail in so watch out! xD
Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 12/09/07 - 03:59 pm · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
ok i am into girl and naruto gave me a nose bleed so any way was i the only one who put there hand up and in your fic i think there sohuld be a doctor oh say me
Author's Response: LOL! You had a nosebleed like ohyeah! WHOO! So anyway you are not in my fic because...IT'S NARUTO BASED AND I DON'T DO OC'S! YEAH! GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD! M'kay? ^_^ Put your hand up...? Oh! You mean the virgin thing? Well heck, I put my hand up too but I guess everyone ignored us. Those damn TV stars that always seem to ignore their TRUE creator. Tch...bastards...
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 12/09/07 - 02:59 pm · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
for one you didnt make fun of bitches laugh and 2 shino and kiba were on the show remember when they were figting those bugs no not what the hell. anyways what was bitches reaction and yeah but sorry the fox costume wasnt a surprsie and although i am a male i still had a nose blled but a that was like at 7:44 or something so like 9 hours ago so yeah but well what do you expect from me. and for onewhy hasnt anyone beat the hell out of bitch and 2 reasons you might give me is because she scared hell away or sasuke will kill us. well we can torture sasuke and the power of our a haerts will ensure us victory but anyways if you really do appreciate my stories then e-mail me for special addition and only a select few will be able to read to read these.
Author's Response: Yeah...Sasuke would beat the shit out of anyone who even dares get close to bitch and he already paid me visit about...making those...comments in the lasty behind the had to stop...I still don't know if he's watching me or not...but anyway, YAY! lol Your a male and had a nosebleed from cute Naru-chan! That is so hot! Yaoi! *cough* Sorry, just had one of those know...Yaoi fangirl syndrome. Yeah...ANYWAY...the fox costume was cute and I couldn't think of any other animal for Naruto to be in. Sorry if it wasn't 'speical' but eveyrone likes the classics. (In classics I mean that lots of people like Naruto as a fox. You can tell by the many stories here on TONFA)
Name: moon master (Signed) · Date: 12/09/07 - 01:03 pm · For: Chapter 29 Why is Sasuke gay? Part 2
ahhhhhhhhg its so cute and now that bitch will die MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA.......... lol sorry ^_^
Author's Response: No, please laugh evily. I shall join you...MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HHAHAHAHA!!! HEEEE HOOOO!!! HAAAA!!!! ...Cute indeed my friend, cute indeed.