Reviews For the phantom of konoha
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 17/07/07 - 06:30 pm · For: Chapter 1
This can go somewhere very nice I think. Personally, I'd have had Itachi as the phantom, but it's your choice so it's up to you. A real good potential for angst here, so don't waste it! Good luck.
Name: Sorca5 (Signed) · Date: 16/07/07 - 02:50 pm · For: Chapter 1
I like how you started this. I hope future chapters will be longer, and I hope Hinata ends up with Naruto. I think this story has great potential. Can I have it? *pleads* just kidding, unless you really wanted to! I give it an eight because of its potntial!:-)