Reviews For Twilight Requiem
Name: invisible_habits (Signed) · Date: 29/04/07 - 05:31 am · For: Twilight Requiem
Having seen so little of the series, i'd say you're pretty IC. One thing though; you might wanna remove 'kohl-lined' before Oni_Chan sees it, or she will go rabbid. You'll get the explanation to Gaara's appearance in not too long.
I started out pretty much as you myself, only recently discovered Naruto. I, however, watched it online and now, a month later or something, I've seen all existing episodes XD Just a tip, in case you wanna speed up on the watching.
And I liked this story by the way. It's cute. And you certainly have a point with Shikamaru's sexuality and approach of women...
Author's Response: Yay, thank you! I was so nervous about posting this. I've removed the description of Gaara's eyes that you mentioned. Thanks for pointing that mistake out! Watching the episodes online is a great idea! Where did you find them? I've looked and found only a random episode here and there, not the whole series...