Reviews For Naruto and Hinata: bridging the gap
Name: Becca (Anonymous) · Date: 10/11/07 - 03:32 pm · For: Chapter 2:leaving town starting life
Please seperate paragraphes, it would be a little easier to read. Other wise it is a good story, please keep it up.
Name: Sorca5 (Signed) · Date: 16/07/07 - 02:52 pm · For: Chapter 2:leaving town starting life
I like this story. It has so much that can be done (no smut please), so continue it already! :-)
Name: hibiki96 (Anonymous) · Date: 27/04/07 - 03:39 pm · For: Chapter 1: our story begins
Okay, I like the story, but grammar is pitiful (Srry, but it's true) capitalization, and beginning new paragraphs
Author's Response: ok their's a reason for that 1. my grammer check was malfuntioning 2. I SUCK at pharagraphs so pleasforgive me (puppy eye's) :)