Reviews For You care
Name: Merida (Anonymous) · Date: 24/02/08 - 12:02 am · For: You care
oh my god i loved it...It was great...It made me cry. I dont blame you for crying while writing this. i really dont.i think i would have too if i was you. It was so sad yet so sweet
Name: Hinagirl326 (Signed) · Date: 02/10/07 - 08:44 pm · For: You care
that was so sad but happy at the end! i actually cried. this story is awsome. =^-^=
Name: Uchihas_Pet (Anonymous) · Date: 29/08/07 - 05:29 pm · For: You care
Very, very good. I have to say, I wept quite a bit, while reading this; and that's not something that I do often. You are a very talented author.