Reviews For Ninja Tutoring
Name: Lipgloss (Signed) · Date: 18/06/07 - 07:31 pm · For: Contrary to popular belief, I don’t bite.
I like the story please continue.
Name: i_luv_inu_sess_nar (Signed) · Date: 13/04/07 - 01:54 pm · For: Contrary to popular belief, I don’t bite.
AWWWW omg NejixSakura FLUFF!!! Well, like barely, but YEAH OMG SO CUTE!!!
Please update, and please ignore the rabid inner me (points above). She had a lot of strawberry-food things for breakfast...>_>
Name: XenaAdamana (Signed) · Date: 12/04/07 - 04:30 pm · For: Contrary to popular belief, I don’t bite.
I love it! Usually Sakura gets on my nerves a bit, but I can stand her here. And Neji's always cool ;)
Name: i_luv_inu_sess_nar (Signed) · Date: 11/04/07 - 11:15 pm · For: Do you want to call my bluff?
Wow...Neji is a prick, big enough to make Sakura cry...Heck, I probably would too..>_>
I love this story though!!! Please update! *clicks ADD STORY TO FAVES*
Author's Response: Thanks for the favorite!!! I figured Neji might be a little bit of a prick when it came to training. He's had a hard life. :P He gets nicer later, if you know what I mean. Heehee.