Reviews For Lovers In France
Name: Silent Witness (Signed) · Date: 03/10/07 - 09:51 am · For: GOAL!!!
Okay, I speak french fairly well, so I noticed a couple of french syntactic and translation errors. First of all, in French, the word "college" refers to a middle school. Wierd, huh?
The word you are looking for is "l'université". Don't drop the article, since it notes a words gender. Second, most adjectives actually go after the noun they modify. The word "fidele" means "faithful", not "faith" in the religious sense. The word you are looking for is "foi".
The proper name for the college would be "La Foi Université Francaise."
Other than those minor errors, this a pretty good fic. I'm excited to see more, since this is an interesting concept that you've got working. If you need help on French language stuff, I'd be happy to beta read. Here's the url of a pretty good French-English dictionary:
Name: bre (Anonymous) · Date: 05/09/07 - 07:25 pm · For: GOAL!!!
it's okay just need to hurry up and update so we can read about naruto.