Reviews For Masks
Name: The_Uber_Smexy_Emo (Anonymous) · Date: 30/06/07 - 04:05 pm · For: Chapter 1
Your topic was interesting and dark. Next time add a little plot. Okay?
Have a smexy time!
Name: invisible_habits (Signed) · Date: 27/03/07 - 05:29 pm · For: Chapter 1
I liked it, definitely! The way of repeating 'It’s better for the dead to remain faceless' was very nice. Some of them could, perhaps, have been taken out, if you want me to I can tell you which I think of. But in general I really liked this.
A question: This so gave me an idea for a story, would you mind if I perhaps ((this is if I ever come to write said story)) refer to your story and/or pick something from it? I will naturally, give you credit in 'Authors notes' and such. Tell me honestly. :)
Author's Response: finally, some constructive criticism! THANK YOU but really? you thought i could've left some stuff out, too? I'm all ears -eyes... whatever which parts do you think i should kill? yeah, go right ahead, take wahecter you want/need from from the story i'm glad it gave you and idea to write a story. Hopefully you can portray it better than i can thanks for reviewing, btw ^^