Reviews For Camp Hell... *ahem* Konoha!
Name: OrochiGirl_Tay (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 09:14 am · For: Chapter 1 Camp...AW HELLZ NAW!
LOL! NEKO! XD. Sasuke XDD haha Kankurou! This is gonna be hilarious! Update!!!!!! Cuz me likes it!
Author's Response: Sure thing Tay!
Name: CrimsonClover (Signed) · Date: 16/03/07 - 09:53 pm · For: Chapter 1 Camp...AW HELLZ NAW!
*giggles* Okay, I wasn't going to read this until the next chapter, cause I knew it was going to be funny and I didn't want to have to wait for read more. But... I had to. ^^
Honestly though, I wouldn't want to have Kakashi as my scout master... I'd go insane with all of the freedom. Atleast with Orochimaru and Itachi, you can have some fun by breaking the rules and making fun of them and Neko? Heh... She'd be fun too! *squees*
Hurry with the next chapter... Pwease? *sad puppy eyes*
Author's Response: XD kk
Name: Oni_Chan (Signed) · Date: 16/03/07 - 06:44 pm · For: Chapter 1 Camp...AW HELLZ NAW!
xD Sasuke's moment there was just too damn priceless xD
'Sasuke was scared to look at his paper. If he got Orochimaru he would die...if he got Itachi...he would die....or atleast make ITACHI die...and if he got Neko...he'd make SURE he'd die...'
Author's Response: poor..poor...Sasuke XD
Name: Deadly Dream (Signed) · Date: 16/03/07 - 06:41 pm · For: Chapter 1 Camp...AW HELLZ NAW!
OMG, this is going to be awsome. Sasuke`s luck went down more thanks to Sakura, no?^^
Author's Response: XD Cha!
Name: uzamaki_fluff (Signed) · Date: 16/03/07 - 06:06 pm · For: Chapter 1 Camp...AW HELLZ NAW!
"I got Kakashi! Man am I lucky!" and somewhere in the heart of Konoha Gai-sensei's little heart broke!
Author's Response: XD so true so true XD