Reviews For Amazing
Name: Swrestler12 (Signed) · Date: 14/05/10 - 11:50 pm · For: Amazing
aww How sweet
Name: Wharehouse (Signed) · Date: 24/02/08 - 04:13 pm · For: Amazing
great, I'm not normally fond of short ones but it was very sweet, somewhat moving and though sad it was pleasent to read, keep up the good work
Name: shy_vibrant_luv (Signed) · Date: 30/11/07 - 11:24 am · For: Amazing
...that made me tears were happy ones so dont get angry or have a way with words that made me feel what was have a good sense of tone.
Name: Sorca5 (Signed) · Date: 16/07/07 - 05:48 pm · For: Amazing
I love this fic. It's definentely going in my favorites. It's so sad, yet loving. It's like...a sad movie. You wish it could've been different, and you love it anyway. This is one of the best NaruXHina fics I've ever read. I'm gonna read your other stories to, so look for my reviews. They'l' be the ones with the smiley face! :-)
Name: hibiki96 (Anonymous) · Date: 16/03/07 - 07:36 pm · For: Amazing
i really liked this; really interesting tragedy; i think that a multi-chapter will be good
Name: takahiro8 (Signed) · Date: 16/03/07 - 06:33 pm · For: Amazing
i love this. i really do, omg never, i mean it, never stop writting. i kinda feel like this. like I'll never be able to tell her. and knowing my self, i wont.
Akio aka Mr. UnMotivated
-8- Love is a Rose, thorns and all. But sometimes all you need to do is trim the thorns. -8-