Reviews For Different Bloodlines, Similar People
Name: Challa (Signed) · Date: 12/04/07 - 12:49 pm · For: First Meet
Ooookay.. I was hoping this would be a good story, but you lost me after "Ino-pig".
Name: queenhinata (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 06:46 am · For: Lets Try This Again.
love it! sasuhina forever^_^
Name: Tashibana (Signed) · Date: 14/03/07 - 04:02 pm · For: First Meet
Well I must say I never thought I'd bother posting comments, and I've read more then my fair share of stories, and I just can't help but comment on this one. I find the story structure easy to read, and the chapter length almost perfect. But enough of the technicalities, truth be told the story is great in my opinion, you portray the characters well and I can't wait to read what comes next. Awesome job.
Name: the_opial (Anonymous) · Date: 14/03/07 - 02:05 am · For: First Meet
Wow....I mean Wow!
This is going on my top 3 fanfictions!
Keep writing!
And Update soon!
Author's Response: It would mean something if it were anyone else BUT you, you have to say that.