Reviews For Like Heaven
Name: Rose (Anonymous) · Date: 01/10/07 - 04:07 pm · For: Chapter 1: Scent
I love what you've done with Hinata; you've kept her shy, but you've given her more personality. I look forward to reading more =3
Name: Akasuna no Ai (Anonymous) · Date: 18/05/07 - 05:47 pm · For: Chapter 2: Dangerous
lmao, that was really cool!! ^_^ Wowz, I love this story. Awesomeness, GaaHina! And you write it so well! It's awesome that you can keep Gaara and Hinata and character so much! Great job!! ^_^
Name: Nafairy (Signed) · Date: 14/04/07 - 10:13 pm · For: Chapter 2: Dangerous
This is a great story you are a fantastic author I love how good you are with Hinata I hope you update soon this story shouldn't die
Name: TWNJ (Signed) · Date: 14/03/07 - 04:39 pm · For: Chapter 2: Dangerous
I know iv already reviewed this but i was just readin this again an its brilliant! please please do another. one with shika and tema. you seem to be able to pull teir haracetrs off so well.