Reviews For A Very Merry Sand Sibling Christmas
Name: TemariSandyFan (Signed) · Date: 16/09/07 - 06:42 pm · For: Cute photographs and eyeliner!?
ROFL! i looves the end! teh piccy is cute 2!
Name: wannabewriter (Signed) · Date: 19/08/07 - 07:56 pm · For: Cute photographs and eyeliner!?
Heh... I am maja.... Maja just likes to speak in third person now and again...
Name: AkumaTamashii (Anonymous) · Date: 30/05/07 - 11:23 pm · For: Cute photographs and eyeliner!?
Dude... Thats just plain AWSOME!!!!!
Gaara needs hugs, or mabye i'm just insane. I like temari's hair and pineapples!!! ANd sushi!
-- Sand_Sibling_Sushi : I TALKED TO YOU ALREADY, BUT WHAT THE HECK! *hugs again* XD
Name: AkumaTamashii (Anonymous) · Date: 30/05/07 - 11:22 pm · For: Cute photographs and eyeliner!?
Dude... Thats just plain AWSOME!!!!!
Gaara needs hugs, or mabye i'm just insane. I like temari's hair and pineapples!!! ANd sushi!
-- Sand_Sibling_Sushi : AW, THANKS! I LIKE SUSHI TOO! ONLY THE DOLPHIN-SAFE ONES THOUGH!!! *hugs akuma who doesn't want to be hugged*
Name: wannabewriter (Signed) · Date: 24/05/07 - 02:14 pm · For: Cute photographs and eyeliner!?
XD nyah! awesome story! AWESOME STORY I TELL YOU! Heh! dont mind me i'm typing this at 6:40AM on a cold australian winters day... and it looks like raining... actually its still autumn! damn! I hate rain.... anywho dont mind that random ramling because I THINK YOUR STORY IS AWESOME! And Maja is right, For she is Maja, and therefore always right!
-- Sand_Sibling_Sushi : WAH, THANKS A LOT, YOWZ! I THINK YOU'RE AWESOME TOO! In fact, free hugs!!!!!! *goes around hugging people who don't want to be hugged* Totally dude, i hate rain too. Although the ground smells nice after rain. Like laundry. Set out in the rain. Austrailia?! KANGAROOS! UM, I AGREE WITH MAJA, ALTHOUGH I HAVE NO IDEA WHO SHE IS!
Name: Kankuro Krunchys (Signed) · Date: 11/03/07 - 07:24 pm · For: Cute photographs and eyeliner!?
THAT WAS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Sand_Sibling_Sushi : DUDE, THANKS! *hugs fer teh buddy*
Name: cyberchick (Anonymous) · Date: 03/03/07 - 10:53 am · For: Cute photographs and eyeliner!?
Awwwwwww!!! LOL, i can imagine that happening 2 gaara. kankuro's probabely would do that, for a joke. He's just that dumb...*sigh*