Reviews For The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara, part 2
Name: ANBU Captain (Anonymous) · Date: 01/06/07 - 04:05 am · For: The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara, Part 2
i love the series. you should type about the threesome.
-- Aysha : I'm thinking about it. I've gotten a lot of requests so I may just do so. Unfortunatly for the readers I only write when and what I feel like writing. Fickle? Hell yes I am! ^_~
Name: Draco Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 09/05/07 - 06:27 pm · For: The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara, Part 2
With Xtra Mayo!
*wink* white stuff *wink*
Author's Response: Maybe, maybe not, but personally I prefer lots of mustard. o.O
Name: ChiyoChan (Signed) · Date: 05/05/07 - 01:13 pm · For: The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara, Part 2
This is totally awesome! I love it- sasuke is a great uke. part three?
Author's Response: Yeah, Sasuke should be uke more often. He gets top all the time, he should be sub once in a while! And as for part three...maybe. ^_~
Name: invisible_habits (Signed) · Date: 03/05/07 - 12:29 pm · For: The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara, Part 2
The first one was brilliant. This was better. XD I absolutely loved the shadow seduction, it was steaming hot! I agree with many of the others, you should type out the threesome - your skills would fill a hospital with patience suffering from bloodloss. Gorgeous writing!
Author's Response: LOL! Thanks! And I hope not, the hospitals around here are already over worked without me adding to the burden! =^o^=
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 21/03/07 - 06:47 pm · For: The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara, Part 2
I LOVED IT. Then again I love way too many things, but still. I never really thought about Shikamaru and Sasuke, still don't, but really wonderful. I loved the first one too. Amazing. Are you going to do yet another one? If you do you know I'll be right there reading and reviewing! Wonderful job really, loved the pics too! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: Hmmm, I hadn't intended to do the first sequel, much less another. But there's so many people who want to see it I may have to come up with something...