Reviews For The Lesson
Name: lunar saint (Signed) · Date: 23/08/09 - 01:06 am · For: The Lesson
i think for your first it is awesome but then again it is awesome anyways
Name: nejiluver (Signed) · Date: 01/10/07 - 08:20 pm · For: The Lesson
hehe....^^.....nice story! u gotta make a sequel! oh and if u wanna read some good dsasunaru stories,then u should read mine! i've got like 5 stars on 6 out of 8 or 7 out of 8 of my stories! their really good! But i like 'finaly comeing home' the best so read that one first cause thsat's my most popular one so far! wel gota go bye!^^
and make a sequel!
b29;nejiluverb29; =3