Reviews For The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara
Name: ChiyoChan (Signed) · Date: 05/05/07 - 01:11 pm · For: The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara
OMG This is like one of the best stories ever! I love shika and you sure have a talent for writing
Author's Response: Thankya thankya! I love Shika too, and I also love writing! As long as there are a few people who enjoy my stories I shall continue to post, even tho I sometimes dissapear for weeks. =)
Name: invisible_habits (Signed) · Date: 03/05/07 - 10:45 am · For: The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara
OMG, I totally have a new favorite word!! Bi-curious, I am so gonna use it from now on!
The fic is gorgeous, absolutely wonderfully written. I can see you "take pride in good spelling and grammar", it pays off I tell you. ^.^
Author's Response: Heehee! Thanks! And I can't help it. I inherited the type A personality from my mom. Combine that with the attention span of a cat with ADD and you get some interesting things form me...O.o
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 04:58 pm · For: The Seduction of Shikamaru Nara
Could you do a sequel? With Gaara, Naruto, and Shikamaru? Because that would be awesome! Anyway.. I LOVED the story!! Wonderful Job! Really!! If you really want me to point out a mistake I found was that when referring to Naruto as a blond, it should be B L O N D Because the other way means he is a girl, but otherwise, Wonderful job I really enjoyed reading this! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: Oh! Thanks for the pointer! I had no idea what the difference between blond and blonde was before...*blush* I always used blonde cuase it look better IMO. Oooo, darn. Now I have to go edit all my stories! T.T