Reviews For Desperation on Campus
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 11/04/08 - 08:37 pm · For: A/N: I Need Some Helps
..Ahh...That means getting the preveiw first?..haha
I wish I could beta..nyah, but my grammar sucks.
Name: SweetLullaby (Signed) · Date: 03/03/08 - 09:13 pm · For: A/N: I Need Some Helps
I'm gonna put it in your 'note to anyone who cares' reviews. hope I helped!
Name: SweetLullaby (Signed) · Date: 03/03/08 - 09:08 pm · For: Chapter 7- Breakthrough
OMFG!! THE SUSPEEEENSE!!!! Unusual pairing but ..okay..? I gotta..something!
Author's Response: O.o'rnrnThe suspense!! I know and You got something?? *blinks and tilts her head* WHAT?
Name: atenademon (Signed) · Date: 05/01/08 - 01:01 pm · For: Chapter 7- Breakthrough
Wow, first of all I want to say a very very veeery biiiiggg "thank you" for updating this story, I kinda thought that you gave up on continuing it. I'm so glad that you did update! *hugs*
I knew it! I knew that Neji had some accomplices, well it was sort of obvious at some points but hey, I thought about it, didn't I? xD Hm...after the looks of it, he's being manipulated by someone, and if he talked with fear on the phone when he received the call there must be someone very powerful.
I was really worried when I read the encounter between Kiba and Naruto in the bathroom. The way Kiba talked about this 'good bye for good' I really thought that our beloved Naruto would leave us. But he survived, thank God, but that doesn't mean that he is safe, well, no one is at the moment.
I have my two major guesses who is Neji's 'boss' but I won't say anything so it won't be a spoiler. I like the suspense in this story, I don't know about others but I can say about me that I really like this story, I mean it,every time I make assumption and even if I'm sure that is right, you come with another chapter that makes mea realize that I wasn't right and that I have to think about another assumption. I'm really stubborn, I want to find out by myself who it is behind all of this xD
Leaving all of these behind, I can say that the story is amazing, not to mention about the plot! And I hope that you'll update soon, hell I'm living this story I want to see what will happen next xD Good luck and may much inspiration come to you xD
Author's Response: *Bows a few times and smiles brightly* I want to thank you for reading the story, and "Living this story". I am very sorry that I scared you, and had you thinking that I had given up on the story I just had some writer issues going on with this. *cough*writersblock*cough* Its a good idea to keep your guesses to yourself becuase with how you knew that there was an accomplice, one of your guesses might just be right. The word manipulated is very much right, and didn't mean to worry you with the "goodbye for good" it was meant in a different way. *is trying to keep away from giving anything away* rnrnNow before I talk too much...Thanks for the review and keep at it detective!!! rn~Uzu-chan!
Name: Noleta (Signed) · Date: 15/12/07 - 03:22 pm · For: The Newcomer or is he?
I was wrong.......AGAIN! It's Neji who's evil! I mean come on how was I supposed to know that! All I know is that I am definitly not gonna be a detective....
Author's Response: Oh No You are alright...I mean I was wrong in a lot of mysteries too..but the story isn't over yet..
Name: Noleta (Signed) · Date: 15/12/07 - 08:37 am · For: Consequences For Our Actions
I've changed my mind! It's Kabuto! Kabuto!
Author's Response: *hums amused* Well I dunno...You just enjoy the story...Thanks for the feed back I guess
Name: Noleta (Signed) · Date: 15/12/07 - 08:29 am · For: So You Think You're Safe
I believe it's Orochimaru! That evil bastad is always up to know....EVIL!
Author's Response: *giggles quietly* That is the funniest review I may have ever gotten from anyone, but that is a very good guess considering the killings are a team effort really...Keep Reading and yes every villian is lemons.
Name: atenademon (Signed) · Date: 08/11/07 - 02:30 pm · For: The Newcomer or is he?
Wow, this story is purely amasing! I love it very much. You know very well how to keep the suspense and how to write, screw the grammar or spelling mistakes, everyone makes them and that it's not a big problem. ^.^ If people say that this is a problem they're very wrong. Don't worry there are many of us who can still understand what you're writing ^.^
Anyway, didn't see that coming, Neji? It's a shocker but I have one question... when Lee died, wasn't he with the whole soccer team? How did he do it? Or does he have an ally?
Author's Response: aww...thank you for those compliments..really...I means it..^.^ now about your question...I can't really answer that one now...because it would ruin the story...and it is a surprise when I get the time to finish this story up..
Name: Kabutos_conscious (Signed) · Date: 24/10/07 - 10:01 am · For: The Newcomer or is he?
... ok I did NOT see that comming.... now all thats left is to explain why... and right now I have no idea... I thought it was going to end up like the book And then there were none :P
Author's Response: err...sorry...i lost track of the story due to all the work i do in rl but i am going to get back on it soon...
Name: Kabutos_conscious (Signed) · Date: 24/10/07 - 09:47 am · For: So You Think You're Safe
Hell I dunno but I think it's Itachi or Orochimaru, maybe both.
Name: battousai1889 (Signed) · Date: 20/07/07 - 12:27 am · For: The Newcomer or is he?
Somewhat anticlimactic if you ask me. Maybe I missed something when reading the previous chapters and could not come to the conclusion that Neji was the killer. What bothers me is that it seems there is no motive. These crimes were committed randomly just for the sake of the story. I feel that this chapter didn't do your others justice. Cheers!
-- uzamaki_fluff : *bows* isn't quite over just I am sorry for having god knows how many loose ends in that chapter. I guess I don't like giving too much away..bear with me...there will be some more insight in the coming chapters.
Name: Ayame_kun (Signed) · Date: 29/06/07 - 12:27 pm · For: And So It Begins.....Desperation part I
As in the forums, I would to firstly, like to apologize. I didn't mean to upset the writer here, nor discourage them.
I've explained myself on the forums and to repeat myself would be a waste of this review space.
However I'm not childish enough to leave a harsh comment based on what's been said else where.
The writer, granted, in their original post did NOT mention spelling and all the rest of it, yet jumped to agree with others that did.
Regardless I feel I was justified in my points... albeit cruel, unjustifiably so, in their deliverance. The Writer does more than make a few typos in that chapter, let’s be fair and honest.
Something I feel is missing from all these pretty reviews, a distinct lack of notice to these errors.
Are they doing this to be kind? Possibly... but is it being kind? How is this person meant to correct mistakes when they go unmentioned?
I am so sorry I upset you... I wish I could undo that... I can't, however I won’t retract the points I made.
Good luck.
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 29/06/07 - 09:26 am · For: And So It Begins.....Desperation part I
*furrows brow* I just read that dudes comment, and I find that this story is very much worth reading, even with the few spelling mistakes and such. Every one has a few mistakes here and there, even with a beta. Heck if you really need a beta, I would be happy to do it. But if you did this whole story without one, then I must say you are doing just fine by yourself. So really that person doesn't have much to complain about, maybe they could have nicely pointed out the spelling mistakes, but otherwise, thy were a bit cruel. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- uzamaki_fluff : *hugs you tightly* VIOLET Thank You so very much...That just sorta killed everything that I feel for this fic. I was almost ready not to write in it again..and yes..they should have nicely pointed out the spelling mistakes, rather than just do what they did...I can't really explain it. I really think that this person is making me pay for something that I said in the forums of TONFA..bleh..whatev..
Name: Ayame_kun (Signed) · Date: 29/06/07 - 05:26 am · For: And So It Begins.....Desperation part I
Uzamaki_fluff, I have just finished reading your first chapter and, sadly, I won't be reading any further. I took it upon myself to make a point of giving your work a read after coming across your post on the forums regarding the lack of reviews and comments left by fellow writers and readers. I wholly agree with your statement there and it saddens me that it took someone pointing this out to spur people into action, however, you also have a thread in the forms gripping about bad fic writers.
You actually wrote the whole post in HUGE red letters, for most of which, you condemned the use of bad spelling, grammar and just over all lack of writing skill.
Another point, with which, I agree to.
So when I came to read your work I expected to find a marvelously written plot that flowed completely.
I didn't.
Repetition of nouns, adjectives and pro-nouns are rife in this chapter alone, combined with spelling errors much more, making for tiresome reading indeed. Now I'm not one to gripe without example… so here goes:
'The 17 year old was grinning happyly abit at his successful attempt at faking an illness'
'When he got no answer he merely shrug and grunted as he opened the car door and sat inside, '
'He arched his eyebrow and wispher slowly, "that is funny you are a new model," '
'He pulled it out to check, and he sighed frustratedingly at his findings, his car did not need more.'
That’s only from the first four or five paragraphs... there are just far too many to list here in their entirety. You also jump from tense to tense at an alarming pace... I admit that I tense jump... but not that frequently... you also jump from 2nd to 3rd to almost 4th person in places.
I hate to leave a negative comment because, up to now, you’ve impressed me with your intellect... but I sadly feel let down... hypocorism doesn't bare well with me.
Perhaps you need to apologize to all those people you've offended with your big red yell in the forums and take that beta option.
I admit freely that my work is far, far, far, far from perfect, I'd like to add... I would hate for you to think I see myself as faultless. However I didn’t start a thread about just how much it bugs me… I simply agreed bad fic sucks… but sometimes a valid reason lies behind it. I surely hope that’s the case here.
Fix your own errors, mistakes and god-awful sentences before berating others for there’s.
-- uzamaki_fluff : looking over your review, I feel both a sense of anger and such, I mean in this fic alone I have improved and you refuse to read any further, because of some spelling errors?? And did you really expect me to give away the entire plot in the first chapter?!?! I never once claimed that I was perfect, and this is not a bad fic..not by a long shot. I am so sorry that I can make the perfect sentence by your terms, heck I have had a bigger (blank) review my story and they loved it. This is just the first chapter that was written 7 monthes ago, I have had seven monthes to improve. And I have taken that beta option, HELL my sig is basically a beg for a beta for this story..I have an ad in the beta you think that I am not asking for a beta you are saddly mistaken.
-- uzamaki_fluff : And one more thing..Do you know how to read??? Go read that post one last time...just one last time. My complaint was that the fic would be an entire paragraph, no consistant thought. I said nothing of spelling or grammar, sorry to point that out to you..
-- uzamaki_fluff : And one more thing..Do you know how to read??? Go read that post one last time...just one last time. My complaint was that the fic would be an entire paragraph, no consistant thought. I said nothing of spelling or grammar, sorry to point that out to you..
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:56 pm · For: The Newcomer or is he?
I would have NEVER suspected HIM!.
Here I was, thinking it was Iruka...Ahaha, I'm a bad person. Someone like Iruka would NEVER do that..
-- uzamaki_fluff : *pats pats on your head* Its meh..its a-ok!!! I didn't think I would make it Neji either..I am evil..I know..
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:49 pm · For: The Newcomer or is he?
Neji?!? Seriously!?!? *dies* I so just so hate you right now....I don't I just really hate you right now....*glares* My head hurts...I looked to deep. I looked underneath the underneath when I should have just stayed on the surface. *keeps glaring, pouting* Urgs, when this does kill me I want to put on my grave stone that it was your fault, okay? *keeps pouting* I loved it though, really. Actually it is more of a love/hate relationship, but still. It is really good! Wonderful really! I have no idea why Kabuto is protecting Neji, or even if he is, but this is cool. I love it! I hate it! It just makes my head hurt @.@ With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:45 pm · For: So You Think You're Safe
...At the beginning of the chapter I suspected Kiba...Ahaha.
Thrown off again!
The suspense is KILLING ME!!
-- uzamaki_fluff : ahh...Suspected Kiba...Hey Me too!! No seriously I thought I was making Kiba the killer...I kid you not!! Anyways..go keep reading I command you to do it!!
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:42 pm · For: Consequences For Our Actions
*dies of brain melting* *curses some more* Damn it! I was so sure it was Chouji!!! *glares at the world, pouting* Damn, well okay then, *thinks* It isn't Itachi. Not Orochimaru. It so isn't Kabuto, too easy. I doubt it is Sasuke, though that would be a good guess. Eh *shrugs* Maybe it is him. He faked his death, maybe? Hated his girlfriend or something? Oh yeah and now I feel guilty for thinking Naru-chan was the killer. *cries* I should of known he would be framed. But who would Kabuto be determined to protect, by winning Sakura over? *keeps thinking* I just don't know. I feel like it is right in front of me, but I just don't get it! *holds head again* I never was good at figuring out mysteries. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- uzamaki_fluff : *watches the death by brain melt* NUUUU!!! You can't die now!! You are just so close!!! One more Chapter and it sorta becomes clear!!! Anyways..I got lots of answer to give after one last chapter...and don't kill me for the love of god don't kill me!!!
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:33 pm · For: So You Think You're Safe
I don't bet is still on Chouji....I'm just a freak like that, but when the killer said he killed Lee to show her not to be so shallow, I don't know, it seemed to scream Chouji at me....I could always be wrong. Hell it could be Iruka for all I know! Well actually it couldn't since I doubt Iruka could jump out a window as find Naruto and a very dead Tenten. Again my bet is Chouji. I'm once again off to read more! I just can't stop reading this! It is so good! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- uzamaki_fluff : *nods a bit* Yea..that would be quite impossible my dear...and you are almost there..two more chapters...two more chapters till the big reveal...and don't hurt me please?
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:30 pm · For: A Violent Visit in the Dark
I've been thrown off track, IT CAN'T be Naruto....
I'll keep reading... ^____^
-- uzamaki_fluff : Yea..It can't be will never be Naruto..and keep reading yea that is a good idea.
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:25 pm · For: Always Watch Your Step
*curses with very colorful words* Freaking damn it! I really, really, really wanted it to be Naru-chan, but now you got him with Kiba, both giving each other an alibi. It wasn't Shika because he said he wanted to tell Lee he had seen Sakura. It wasn't Lee. It wasn't Neji because he was with the whole soccer group, so was Gaara and Shino. It isn't Kabuto. So who else is there? Kankuro? *holds head* Ugh...lets see um... Chouji? Yeah! Maybe Chouji! I have now changed my answer to Chouji. *nods* I'm off to read more! This is really great, I don't think this story has a bad chapter in it! I really have no idea why this isn't over run with reviews. Maybe because of the character death thing....With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- uzamaki_fluff : *giggles a bit and then cackles madly* Alibis are shams...people can lie about where they have been..MWHAHAHAHAHA!! and isn't chouji...keep reading little Violet just keep reading..
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:25 pm · For: And So It Begins.....Desperation part I
-- uzamaki_fluff : ahh...Really?!? Hmm...that would be obvious..hell half the characters are suspecting Naruto...but it isn't him trust me..
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:23 pm · For: And So It Begins.....Desperation part I
........SASUKE...IS DEAD?...
I'm shocked...
-- uzamaki_fluff : You're shocked?? Really?? I dun like Sasuke...not too I killy him..
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:13 pm · For: A Violent Visit in the Dark
*holds head* I have been siting here trying to think who it could is male, young, actually if I didn't already think you were going to kill Naru-chan *glares* I would say he is probably the killer, and if you don't kill him, then that is my bet. *nods* This is really good, if you haven't been told enough. Well written and easy to follow, really makes me think, which is good for me! *grins* I'm off to read more of this gory story. And I know you didn't want to hear it, but I am pretty sure this story is scarring me for life. *nods* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- uzamaki_fluff : *shakes her head* Nah..I am not killing Naru-chan..I love my Naru-chan..and yea..I have been told many times that it is well written..and the scarring you for life..its okay...nothing that many threapy sessions won't cure.
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 28/06/07 - 08:02 pm · For: And So It Begins.....Desperation part I
UZA-CHAN!!! YOU KILLED SASUKE!!! AND MADE SAKURA HIS GIRLFRIEND?!!? *breaks down sobbing* It is too much!!! Oh gods, why did I start reading this? It is too...horrible! Oh gods it's is going to give me nightmares!!! B-but I need to see who did this horrible crime! But the fic isn't done, yet so I have to go through tons of people dying probably everyone I love or even like, just to probably find a cliffhanger! Pure evil that is what you are Uzu-chan. Pure evil! *keeps sobbing* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- uzamaki_fluff : Violet..I would apologize...I really, really would...but alas I can is against my religion. I am evil..I thought you loved me??? Oh well..please keep reading it though..I mean come on you know you wanna..