Reviews For Winter
Name: Archaic Aphorism (Signed) · Date: 24/07/07 - 05:16 pm · For: Winter
Hmm... I've never really understood peotry very much, so I can't tell you if I liked it or not because, honestly, I didn't understand one word of it.
I use a lot of fragmented sentences in my writing, but the organization of thoughts in poetry escapes me (or maybe it's just that I overthink, and poetry is supposed to be simple?)
Either way, whether or not I understood it, the words were pretty as well as the similes and other things that I don't know the technical terms for.
This... is probably the only other thing I'll read, because I'm not big on Naruto- or Sasuke- centric stuff. Actually, I avoid those kind of things at all costs. Sorry.
Um... since I can't say whether or not I liked it... I'll just repeat myself when I say it was pretty? Sorry this review is so lame.
-- DancerOfShadows : XD That's fine. I don't know why, but I seem to be able to get into Sasuke's head better than any of the other characters'. Maybe that's because he's insane (well, that tells you a lot about me right there!). *Laughs* Well, even though you're not sure that you liked it or not, thanks for taking the time to review it. =)